Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Gaetano LALOMIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding: to obtain, through a comparative methodological approach, knowledge of the process of formation of Romance languages and Romance literatures, as well as their transmission up to the present day.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: acquire the ability to read a medieval text in Italian and to understand its contents, knowing how to analyze it from a linguistic and literary point of view

3) Judgment independence: acquire sufficient judgment autonomy based on objective methodological parameters, making use of the tools acquired.

4) Communication skills: acquire the ability to communicate through an appropriate vocabulary.

5) Learning skills: acquisition of a more in-depth ability to learn new and unpublished objects of study.

Course Structure


Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into three sections and a small in-depth analysis.

[A] Linguistic section (2 ECTS)

Romance linguistic space; Latin and the genesis of the Romance languages; the oldest Romance texts; Romance linguistic history from the Middle Ages to the modern age; elements of historical grammar: phonology, morphology and syntax and lexicon.


[B] Philological section (2 ECTS)

Philology and truth; the manuscript as a book; the manuscript as a witness; tradition as a process; the text as a hypothesis.


[C] Literary section with in-depth analysis (5 ECTS)

Romance literatures. The Marvelous in Romance Literature

Textbook Information

[A] + [B] + [C]

L. Leonardi, L. Minervini, E. Burgio, Filologia romanza. Critica del testo, linguistica, analisi letteraria, Le Monnier, 2022, pp. 561.



1)    Mondi « altri » e letterature romanze e orientali, a cura di A. Pioletti, Rubbettino, 2023, pp. 139.

2)    Chrétien de Troyes,  Il cavaliere del Leone, a cura di Francesca Gambino, con un’introduzione di Lucilla Spetia, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 2011.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.