Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Mirella CASSARINO

Expected Learning Outcomes

In observance of the Dublin descriptors, the course has the following objectives:

To consolidate and expand the skills acquired by students during the first year of the master's degree in the following linguistic and cultural areas: Arabic language spoken in Egypt, Media Arabic (first semester)-as well as Arabic language spoken in Morocco (starting in November), and business Arabic.

Students will also be expected to measure themselves with the composition of texts in Arabic, with the translation from Arabic into Italian of different text types, and with exposé in Modern Standard Arabic (second semester) in order to apply knowledge and understanding skills. The course also aims to introduce students to the literary manifestations of the fantastic and the marvelous in pre-modern, modern and contemporary Arabic literature with an interdisciplinary approach that contributes both to consolidating learning faculties, in terms of method and content, and to strengthening critical skills and autonomy of judgment.


Course Structure

Frontal lessons. Classroom exercises. Seminars.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Arabic language spoken in Egypt (first semester); Arabic language spoken in Morocco (second semester); Media Arabic (first semester); Business Arabic (first semester); translation from Arabic into Italian of different text types (first semester), composition in Modern Standard Arabic (second semester); exposé in Modern Standard Arabic (second semester), . Special attention will be paid to the translation of pre-modern literary text. Representations of the fantastic and marvelous in premodern, modern and contemporary Arabic literature (second semester).

Textbook Information

Module 1 (3 ECTS): 

A. Kilito, al-Hikaya wa’t-ta’wil, Toubkal, Casablanca, 1988 (Chap.1 and 2).


Module 2 (3 ECTS):

M. Guidière, Manuel de traduction, ellipses, Paris, 2008, 240 p.


Original language materials for both modules, as well as for Media Arabic, Egyptian and Moroccan languages, and Business Arabic, will be provided in the course of the lectures.


Module 3 (6 ECTS):

A. Pioletti (a cura di), Mondi “altri” e letterature romanze e orientali, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2023, 148 p.


M. Cassarino, A. Ghersetti, L. Osti, S. Pagani, Antologia della letteratura araba dalle origini al XVIII secolo, Roma, Carocci, 2023, Chapters: Meraviglie, Metamorfosi and Viaggio (ISBN 9788829020133).


Further bibliographical indications regarding some pages on One Thousand and One Nights by T. Todorov, La letteratura fantastica, will be provided in the course of the lectures on the platform STUDIUM.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.