Philosophy of languages

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ANTONINO BONDI'

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1)      Knowledge and comprehension: knowledge and comprehension of complex texts from contemporary philosophy and semiotics of culture; ability to analyze the text, ability to put different theoretical perspectives into perspective and reconstruct the overall theoretical framework

2)      Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension:  ability to link, connect and compare different positions in an articulated theoretical debate

3)      Autonomy of judgement: ability to formulate original positions and objections to the texts examined

4)      Communicative abilities: complex expression and detailed reconstruction of theories, lexical property, acquisition of specialized vocabulary of the semiotics of culture

5)      Learning abilities: development of analytical, synthesis and rhetorical argumentation skills to defend theses and counter them, based on appropriate philosophical methodology and rhetorical techniques

Course Structure

Lectures, brainstorming and classroom exercises.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Introduction: the Semiotics of culture and the semiotic view
  2. Linguistics, anthropology, narratology: the origins of semiotics of cultures
  3. Unity and plurality of cultures: the model of Lotman
  4. Eco, Geertz: the network models of semiosis
  5. Social discourses and analysis of ideologies: Barthes
  6. Use, habits, encyclopedia: the meaning as negotiation
  7. Lotman and the culture between explosion and unpredictability
  8. Conflicts of cultures
  9. The translation
  10. The cultural heritage
  11. Information, opening, closure: the culture as model
  12. The semiogenesis
  13. The semiotic imagination
  14. Telling, imaging, transmission: a “distributed” theory of culture

Textbook Information

 Bibliography :

-       A. M. Lorusso, Semiotica della cultura, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2010, pp. 200

-       J. M. Lotman, La cultura e l’esplosione, Mimesis, Milano, 2022, pp. 236.

-       A. Bondì, Semiogenesi. Forme, figure e motivi    dell’espressione, Duetredue edizioni, Lentini, 2022, pp. 149

-       Other texts may be provided through the Studium platform.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.