History of Religions of the contemporary world

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ARIANNA ROTONDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide:

1) an understanding of advanced themes and problems of the discipline on the theoretical (typological classifications) and historiographical (methods and schools) levels.

2) the necessary tools to deal with issues with methodology proper to the discipline to argue competently on the topics and problems covered.

3) adequate stimuli to build autonomy of judgment, critical analytical skills, synthesis of new ideas, to be used as possible keys to deal with case studies.

4) a method to be able to formulate research hypotheses, interpret data and elaborate possible theses; communicate with technical language and competence. 

5) pointers for independently acquiring new and specialized knowledge, using the tools provided - on the historiographical and methodological level - during the course.

Course Structure

In addition to lectures, the course includes two seminars on case studies or specific topics given by specialists and a guided tour places of worship in Catania (St Benedict Monastery, mosque).

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course proposes a path of study on the reconstruction of the historical-cultural dimension of religious facts as a criterion for understanding the contemporary world. The first module (A) will cover typological classifications and a brief history of studies on religious phenomena. A deepening will be dedicated to the relationship between women and religion from various points of view, in different geographical contexts and through a gender perspective. The focus is on the relationship between religion, the body, sexuality, identity, gender and women's agency (mod. B). Some suggested readings will provide other perspectives for study on the topics of the course (mod. C).

Textbook Information

A. (2 ECTS): Religions and History


- G. Filoramo, Che cos'è la religione. Temi metodi problemi, Einaudi, Torino 2004, cap. V (pp. 173-214).

- G. Filoramo, M. Massenzio, M. Raveri, P. Scarpi, Manuale di Storia delle religioni, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1998 (201519), parte seconda (capp. XI-XII-XIII, pp. 173-269) e parte quarta (capp. II-III-IV-V, pp. 447-549).


B. (2 ECTS): Religions and Gender


- A. Lirosi - A. Saggioro (a cura di), Religioni e parità di genere. Percorsi accidentati, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Roma 2023, pp. 252.


C. (2 ECTS): Reading Proposals

Books (one choice):

-       M. Ferrara, L. Karami (edd.), Madri d’Oriente fra tradizione e dissenso, Jouvence, Milano 2020, pp. 274.

-       L. Karami, R. Rossi (edd.), Donne violate. Forme della violenza nelle tradizioni giuridiche e religiose tra Medio Oriente e Sud Asia, Società Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze 2021, pp. 208.

-       A. Giorgi, S. Palmisano (a cura di), D come donne, D come Dio, Mimesis, Milano 2016, pp. 200.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.