Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Claudio TERNULLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

- knowledge of central issues in the contemporary philosophy of science: scientific rreasoning and explanation, realism/anti-realism debate, induction, scientific revolution

- strengthening of philosophy of science and logic-related linguistic and communication skills

- knowledge of fundamental notions of informal logic: argument, validity, ambiguities, fallacies, probabilistic and inductive reasoning

- strengthening of logical and argumentative abilities

- ability to assess the validity of different kinds of arguments

Course Structure

Lectures and presentations

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course will provide an overview of: 1) basic concepts and issues in the contemporary philosophy of science and of: 2) fundamental concepts of informal logic (argumentation theory).


More specifically, the course will cover the following topics:

Part A.

- reasoning in science

- scientific explanation

- realism/anti-realism debate

- revolution and change in science (and their value)

- ethical issues in science


Part B.

- types of reasoning

- arguments: structure

- arguments: validity

- analogical arguments

- ambiguities

- fallacies

- probabilistic and inductive reasoning

- causality and scientific reasoning 

Textbook Information

Part A. (Philosophy of Science)

- A. Okasha, S. Il primo libro di filosofia della scienza, Einaudi, Torino, 2006. [Ch. I-VII (pp. 1-139)]

- B. Kuhn, T. La struttura delle rivoluzioni scientifiche, Einaudi, Torino, 2009 [Ch. I-XIII (pp. 1-208)]


Part B. (Logic)

- A. Paoli, F., Crespellani Porcella, C., Sergioli, G. Ragionare nel quotidiano. Argomentare, valutare informazioni, prendere decisioni, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2012 [Ch. 1-14, pp. 1-184]

- B. Copi, I. M., Cohen, C. Introduzione alla logica, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1999 [Part I, Ch. 1-3 (pp. 19-98); Part IV, Ch. 14-16 (pp. 487-602)]


Further materials (if any) will be distributed by the teacher during the course lectures.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.