Spanish Language and Translation 3

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MARIA CARRERAS GOICOECHEA

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, the Course intends to pursue the following aims:


1)      Knowledge and understanding: to demonstrate adequate linguistic and translanguaging awareness. To know and understand the fundamental bibliography on translation and reverse translation (from Italian into Spanish), delving into certain aspects on the different types of translation (literary, non-fiction) and translation difficulties (theatrical text, linguistic variant, subordinate translation, etc.).

2)      Applying knowledge and understanding: to achieve an appropriate translation competence in metalinguistic and contrastive terms with a professional approach; to be able to draft a well-argued translator's commentary; to be able to make a brief proposal for a translation from Italian into Spanish that is linguistically correct and translatorily coherent and solves the most salient problems of the text addressed each time.

3)      Making judgements: the aim is to guide the learners in the development of critical thinking through the reading of theoretical texts and the practice of critical analysis of translations in order to be able to propose a translation and a translanguaging commentary independently.

4)      Communication skills: the course provides for the development of the linguistic-communicative competences established by level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) regarding the Spanish language. Communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions related to the problems of translation between related languages, specifically Italian and Spanish, to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

5)      Learning skills: to acquire in-depth linguistic and translating knowledge and skills and to develop the translatingological and cultural competences required in the critical analysis of translated texts of different types in order to be able to continue studies with a high degree of autonomy. Specifically: the ability to write a translating commentary respecting level C1 of the CEFR; the ability to translate a short text respecting the parameters of coherence and linguistic correctness according to level C1 of the CEFR; the ability to present orally, arguing what has been developed respecting level C1 of the CEFR.

Course Structure

Face-to-face lessons, with meeting seminar-type meetings divided into a theoretical and a practical part. For each lesson there are readings of the texts to be commented on and/or texts to be translated, all to be prepared at home so that they can be discussed together in the classroom.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course includes a single module on "Language, Linguistics and Translation": students will be introduced to the practice of translation criticism and to the practice of translating short fragments from Italian into Spanish with different characteristics and translation difficulties that will allow them to reflect on the concept of translation between related languages with the aim of developing an adequate linguistic and translation competence. Particular attention will be given to the text analysis phase, to the documentation and rendering of the translated text in a comparative perspective that will allow them to refine their linguistic skills in Spanish, especially with regard to cultural and linguistic problems in translation between related languages such as cultural references, false friends and syntactic dissimilarities. It is important to become aware of one's own translation choices by writing a commentary on the translation.

Textbook Information

A handout containing key texts for the course will be available on the platform Studium.


Course manual:

    Piñero Piñero, G., San Ginés, P., Ortega Arjonilla, E. (dir.), Lengua, lingüística y traducción, Málaga, Comares, (1a ed 2008), last edition 144 pp.


Mother-tongue language lecturers:


     ▪         Gironzetti, E., Muñoz-Basols, J., Pérez, Y., ¡A Debate! Estrategias para la interacción oral, nivel C, Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, Madrid, 2016 o (ultima edizione). 171 pp.

     ▪         de Prada,M., Salazar, D., Molero, C.M., Uso interactivo del vocabulario : y sus combinaciones mas frecuentes : niveles desde B2 hasta C2, Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, Madrid, (1° ed. 2012), ultima edizione, 182 pp.


Reading 1 novel and watching 1 film

Ferrero, J., Las trece rosas, Madrid, Siruela, 2018, 240 pp.

Las trece rosas, dirección de Emilio Martínez-Lázaro, 2007.


Recommended monolingual dictionaries

Diccionario Clave de lengua española, Madrid, SM.

(or any other monolingual dictionary that the student already has).


5 texts to choose from (all the texts can be downloaded from the web and their links can be found in the syllabus)


    Benjumea Martín, I., De comics estadounidenses a fumetti italianos en la primera mitad del siglo XX, in Rodríguez Rodríguez, F, España Pérez, S., cur. (2019) La traducción del cómic, Sevilla, ACyT, pp. 106-122 [].

    Chaume, F., Los estándares de calidad y la recepción de la traducción audiovisual, «Puentes», 6 (2005), pp. 5-12 [].

    Galiñanes, M., La traducción de los colores en italiano y español, «ReDeLe» [].

    Igareda, P., Categorización temática del análisis cultural: una propuesta para la traducción, «Íkala», vol.16 no.27 Medellín Jan./Apr. 2011 [].

    García Jiménez, R., El concepto de oralidad en la traducción de la música ligera italiana dos aproximaciones, in Cuadernos AISPI: Estudios de lenguas y literaturas hispánicas, ISSN 2283-981X, Nº. 4, 2014, págs. 183-196 [].

    Hurtado Albir, A., La traductología: lingüística y traductología, «Trans», n°1, 1996, pp.152-160 [].

    Marangon, G., Estudio contrastivo del léxico en las lenguas afines. La engañosa semejanza: la traducción de los falsos amigos en español e italiano, «ANALECTA MALACITANA ELECTRÓNICA», [];

    Muñoz Raya, E., TRADUCCIÓN Y ADAPTACIÓN DELTEATROITALIANO EN LA ESPAÑA DEMOCRÁTICA (1975-2000), «Transfer», X I: 1 - 2 (mayo 2016), pp.  98-125 [].

    Orrego Carmona, D., Avance de la traducción audiovisual: desde los inicios hasta la era digital, «Mutatis Mutandis», Vol.  6 , No.  2, 2013, pp.  297-320 [].

    Petrescu, O.N., La traducción de los culturemas (Discusión al margen de la traducción de una novela de Guillermo Arriaga), «Valenciana» [online]. 2011, vol.4, n.8, pp.139-172, [];

    Rodríguez Abella, R.M., LAS MARCAS DE ORALIDAD EN LA NOVELA GRÁFICA ARRUGAS (ANÁLISIS DE SU TRADUCCIÓN AL ITALIANO), in «MonTI» Special Issue 3 (2016: 131-155), [].

    Saínz, E., Anzi: del italiano al español, in Metalinguaggi e metatesti. Lingua, letteratura e traduzione, XXIV Congresso AISPI (Padova, 23-26 maggio 2007), a cura di A. Cassol, A. Guarino, G. Mapelli, F. Matte Bon, P. Taravacci, Roma, AISPI Edizioni, 2012, pp. 735-746. [].

    Secci, M.C., Una jabá divina: considerazioni per una traducibilità del cromonimo in spagnolo e italiano, in CUADERNOS AISPI 12 (2018): 119-134 [].

    Taffarel, M., Unanalisi descrittiva della traduzione dei dialoghi dei personaggi di Andrea Camilleri in castigliano, «inTRAlinea», Special Issue: The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia II, Edited by: Giovanni Nadiani & Chris Rundle [].


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.