Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: PAOLO LA MARCA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Module A: Reading Japanese fiction.

Module B: The course is aimed to deepen the students’ knowledge of Japanese Contemporary Literature with a focus on mobile novel.y Literature with a focus on mobile novel


According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) knowledge and understanding in a post-secondary level field of study and knowing the fundamental themes in one's field of study;

2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding in order to demonstrate a professional approach and possess adequate skills both to conceive and support arguments and to solve problems in one's field of study

5) learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

Frontal instruction.

Translations of passages from various keitai shōsetsu.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of Japanese language (Level N4/N3).

Attendance of Lessons

Optional Attendance.

Detailed Course Content

A: Original excerpts from the works of N. Motoori, K. Miyazawa, R. Akutagawa, Y. Mishima, T. Miyamoto and H. Murakami.

B: Theory and practice of translation (of literary and non-literary texts).

Textbook Information


(N.B. excerpts from the works to be read will also be provided through the Unict channel known as Studium or any other possible medium)


芥川龍之介、西郷隆盛、芥川龍之介全集第二巻、筑摩書房、昭和六十一年、pp. 65-71.

三島由紀夫、 髭とロタサン、羅府新報、昭和二十七年二月九日、pp.3.

宮本輝、五千回の生死、 新潮社、昭和六十二年、 pp. 1-22.

宮沢賢治、 猫の事務所、宮沢賢治全第八巻、 筑摩書房、昭和六十一年、

pp. 32-36.


本居宣長、古事記傳、 大野晋、 大久保正 ()本居宣長全集第九巻、筑摩書房、昭和四十三年、pp. 351-378


Luisa Bienati, Paola Scrolavezza, La narrativa giapponese moderna e contemporanea, Venezia, Marsilio, 2009. pp. 1-247


Calvetti Paolo, Keitai shōsetsu: Mobile Phone Novels. Is it True that New Technologies Are Changing the Japanese Language?, in P. Calvetti e M. Mariotti (a cura di), Contemporary Japan: Challenges for a World Economic Power in Transition, Ca’ Foscari Digital Publishing, Venezia 2015, pp. 203-218.


La Marca Paolo, Pop Generation - La letteratura giapponese ai tempi del cellulare, Reggio Calabria, Falzea, 2020. Pp. 1-172


La Marca Paolo, Da Murasaki a Purple: il Genji monogatari riletto in chiave moderna da Setouchi Jakuchō, in Illuminazioni –Rivista di Lingua, Letteratura e Comunicazione, n.34, 2015, pp. 115-138.



Four works to be chosen from the following:


Dazai Osamu, Lo squalificato, Feltrinelli, 2017.

Kawabata Yasunari, La casa delle belle addormentate, Mondadori, 2020.

Tanizaki Jun’ichirō, La chiave, Neri Pozza, 2022.

Mishima Yukio, Confessioni di una maschera, Feltrinelli, 2013.

Abe Kōbō, La donna di sabbia, Guanda, 2012.

Tshushima Yūko, Il figlio della fortuna, 2021.

Ōe Kenzaburō, Un’esperienza personale, Garzanti, 2016.

Setouchi Harumi, La virtù femminile, Beat, 2015.

Murakami Ryū, Blu quasi trasparente, Asiasphere, 2020.

Takahashi Gen’ichirō, Sayonara, gangsters, Rizzoli, 2008.

Yoshimoto Banana, Kitchen, Feltrinelli, 1997.

Yamada Eimi, Occhi nella notte, Marsilio, 1994.

Uchida Shungiku, Father Fucker, Marsilio, 2003.

Mori Yoko, Fiabe di letto, Lindau, 2021.

Kawakami Mieko, Seni e uova, e/o, 2020.

Ogawa Yoko, Vendetta, Il Saggiatore, 2021.

Uchida Shungiku, La fidanzata di Minami, Coconino Press, 2018.

Kanehara Hitomi, Serpenti e piercing, Fazi Editore, 2005.

Nakano Hitori, Train Man, ISBN edizioni, 2007.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.