Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE MARIOTTA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to offer an overview of the main cultural phenomena of the Greco-Roman world, with particular attention to linguistic, literary, historical and social aspects, as well as to explore the reception of some themes in contemporary culture through significant examples. An important educational result will be the achievement of the ability to grasp the main thematic issues linked to the study of classical civilization, to apply the knowledge acquired in broader cultural contexts, to formulate independent judgments on the relevance of the topics covered, to communicate one’s conclusions to specialists and non-specialists.

Course Structure

Lectures, reading of texts, discussion.

Detailed Course Content

The course will present an overall picture of Greco-Roman civilization, focusing on some basic notions relating to its historical development, linguistic and cultural phenomena, some literary genres, in this case the epic, didactic poetry and historiography. We will propose, in Italian translation with references to the texts in the original language, the reading of passages from Greek and Latin authors particularly relevant to the topics covered.

Textbook Information

M. Pintacuda, M. Venuto, Il nuovo Grecità. Storia e testi della letteratura greca, vol. 1, Palermo, Palumbo, 2019.


G. Agnello, A. Orlando, Il nuovo Uomini e voci dell’antica Roma. Gli scrittori, le opere letterarie e lo sguardo del presente, vol. 1, Palermo, Palumbo, 2020.


Additional materials, essays and texts will be provided during the lessons.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.