Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MARIA CARRERAS GOICOECHEA

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors:

1)    Knowledge and understanding: The course aims to develop the historical-linguistic knowledge of the Spanish language -following the concept of linguistic policy through the work of the Real Academia de la Lengua Española from its creation in the 18th century to the present day- in order to acquire the necessary critical skills in relation to a pan-Spanish vision of the language, starting from what has already been acquired in the first-year Lingüística española course and in the three-year degree. The course also aims to develop the skills necessary for the analysis of contemporary Spanish texts with particular attention to the colloquial register, deepening the skills of the first year. The in-depth thematic, methodological and procedural study is aimed at guiding students to scientific research, but also to perfecting the language.

2)    Applying knowledge and understanding: Learners will learn to use the RAE's electronic resources to undertake small research projects that will enable them to analyse authentic texts from the different periods presented as examples of the linguistic evolution of Spanish. They will thus learn to develop a critical reflection on the RAE's project of linguistic unity, also through the guided reading of selected fragments of the most important linguistic theories of the different periods. Finally, they will learn to recognise and correctly describe (using the specific metalanguage) phenomena of linguistic variation in literary and/or audiovisual texts.

3)    Making judgements: it is intended to guide learners in the development of analytical skills through the reading of theoretical texts and the practice of critical analysis of authentic documents from the 18th century to the present day, including oral ones. In addition, a certain autonomy in scientific research should be achieved through the tools of the RAE, which allows hypotheses to be put forward and adequately argued.

4)    Communication skills: starting from a C1 level of the CFER, one must then reach a C1++ (aspiring to a C2) in order to be able to communicate one's conclusions and knowledge correctly in Spanish to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

Course Structure

Lessons will be held in Spanish and will be seminar-based: each week there will be a topic to prepare at home and to share in the classroom and to deepen reflections under the guidance of the lecturer. 

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course proposes a reflection on the concept of national language through the observation of the evolution from an 18th-century project for a monolingual nation to the current recognition of multilingualism (in Spain and in the other countries involved) with a focus on the birth and disappearance of Caló, the language of the Spanish gypsies. Analysis of the planning of linguistic unity in Spain, Latin America, and its expansion into New Guinea and the Philippines through the observation of the grammatical and lexicographical works of the Real Academia de la lengua Española and authentic documents showing its actual use in the 18th century, 19th century, 20th century and today. Panispanism and neostandard: the new era of the Spanish language. Observations from a phonological, lexical, morphological and syntactic point of view. Reflection on the different registers of written and oral discourse through the analysis of authentic texts that exemplify the use of modern and contemporary Spanish and its most salient characteristics from a diachronic, diatopic, diastratic and diamesic point of view. Particular attention will be given to the lexical legacy of caló in today's colloquial register.

Textbook Information

Course manual:

     Briz, A., El español coloquial, situación y uso, Madrid, Arco Libros, 1999 (o última reimpresión), pp. 78.

     Gimeno Menéndez, F., (2009), Dialectología y sociolingüística españolas, Alicante, Universitat d’Alacant/Universidad de Alicante, pp. 371.

     López Morales, H., (2010) La andadura del español por el mundo, Madrid, Taurus, 472 pp. (cap. 2, pp. 35-59; cap. 3, pp. 61-110; cap. 4, pp. 111-130; cap. 7, pp. 177-182; cap. 8, pp. 185-199; cap. 10, 215-224; cap. 12, pp. 277-299; cap. 14, pp. 309-325; cap. 15, pp. 327-352; cap. 16, pp. 353-364; cap. 18, pp. 375-424; cap. 19, pp. 425-440).

     Quilis, A. (2022), La lengua española en el mundo, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, pp. 172.


Mother-tongue language lecturers (Reading 1 novel and watching 1 film):

    R. Ibáñez (2018), La monja alférez. La juventud travestida de Catalina de Erauso, Publicación independiente, 254 págs. ( ISBN 13: 9781718013629)

    J. Aguirre Fernández, La monja alférez, 1987.


Testi di approfondimento (all the texts can be downloaded from the web and their links can be found in the syllabus or there are in Dossier uploaded in Studium):

     Ávila Escobar, G., Del español del norte al panhispanismo: un viaje trasatlántico de ida y vuelta, «Letral», 16, 2016, pp. 121-129 [https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5564199].

     Azorín Fernández, Hacia la norma del español moderno [https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/hacia-la-norma-del-espaol-moderno-la-labor-reguladora-de-la-real-academia-espaola-0/html/00f4c0d4-82b2-11df-acc7-002185ce6064_2.html]. (10 pp.)

     Bazzocchi, G. (2013). La suffissazione valutativa in José Ángel Mañas: una sfida per il traduttore italiano, «inTRAlinea» Special Issue: Palabras con aroma a mujer. Scritti in onore di Alessandra Melloni [http://www.intralinea.org/specials/article/la_suffissazione_valutativa_in_jose_angel_manas]. (7 pp)

     Brumme, J. (2004), Las regulaciones legales de la lengua (del español y las otras lenguas de España y América), in R. Cano, (coord.), Historia de la lengua española, Barcelona, Ariel, pp. 945-972. [https://www.academia.edu/4850515/Las_regulaciones_legales_de_la_lengua_del_espa%C3%B1ol_y_las_otras_lenguas_de_Espa%C3%B1a_y_Am%C3%A9rica_]

     Buzek, I.,  El caló a comienzos del siglo XXI [DOSSIER 8 pp.].

     Buzek, I. (2022), Nuevas voces de germanía en la segunda edición del Diccionario de autoridades (Una investigación en progreso), «Cuadernos AISPI», VOL. 20 NÚM. 2 (2022): LA ILUSTRACIÓN TÉCNICA: EL DISCURSO DE ESPECIALIDAD EN EL SIGLO XVIII, pp. 43-66 [http://www.ledijournals.com/ojs/index.php/cuadernos/article/view/2039].

     Carreras i Goicoechea, M.,  SEXO FRÁGIL, SEXO DEVOTO, BELLO SEXO Y SEXO DÉBIL: BREVE HISTORIA DE CUATRO COMBINACIONES MISÓGINAS Y DECONSTRUCCIÓN DE UNA FALACIA, in Pablo García Valdés, Raisa Gorgojo Iglesias, Enrique Mayor de la Iglesia (editores), Voces disidentes contra la misoginia. Nuevas perspectivas desde la sociología, la literatura y el arte, Madrid 2022, pp. 107-127. [DOSSIER]

     Demonte, V., Lengua estándar, norma y normas en la difusión actual de la lengua española [DOSSIER].

     Fernández, J.A., Deformaciones populacheras en el diálogo galdosiano, in «Anales galdosianos», Año XIII, 1978, pp. 112-116 [https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra/deformaciones-populacheras-en-el-dilogo-galdosiano-0/].

     Gimeno Menéndez, F., Historia de la dialectología y sociolingüística españolas, in  Con Alonso Zamora Vicente : (Actas del Congreso Internacional "La Lengua, la Academia, lo Popular, los Clásicos, los Contemporáneos…"), Vol. I, Alicante, Universidad de Alicante, 2003, pp. 67-84, [https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra/dialectologia-y-sociolinguistica-espanolas-0/].

     Mancera Rueda, A., La oralidad simulada en la narrativa contemporánea, «Verba. Anuario gallego de filoloxía», n° 36, 2009, pp. 419-436 [https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=3063753].


     Serra Alegre, LA ACTUALIDAD DEL ESPANGLISH COMO OBJETO DE ESTUDIO,«Lynx, Panorama de estudios españoles», n° 16, 2017, p. 90-102, [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356429502_LA_ACTUALIDAD_DEL_ESPANGLISH_COMO_OBJETO_DE_ESTUDIO/link/619b694507be5f31b7a97d9f/download].



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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.