Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Attilio SCUDERI

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) knowledge and understanding skills such as to reinforce those achieved in the first cycle; ability to elaborate and / or apply original ideas, in a research context.

2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding and ability to solve problems to new or unfamiliar issues, inserted in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts connected to one's field of study;

3) ability to integrate knowledge and to formulate judgments on the basis of information that is not necessarily complete;

4) ability to communicate one's knowledge clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

5) ability to carry out research autonomously.

Special objectives:

The Course aims in particular to develop awareness about the role of literary education, and  teaching strategies of interpretative competence; to introduce forms of literary knowledge able to open Italian canon and canons of other cultures, European and non-European. The course intends to guarantee to new generations of students the literary education possibilities, and to revive the profound sense, still indispensable today, of teaching literature.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons. Reading and discussion of texts in classroom.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

A (Prof. A. Scuderi): Teaching Literature: Reading in the Class (3 ECTS)

Textbook Information

A (Prof. A. Scuderi): Teaching Literature: Reading in the Class (3 ECTS)

 Texts: Insegnare la letteratura. Teorie e pratiche per una didattica indocile, edited by E. Zinato, Laterza, Bari-Roma, pp. 1-216; I. Calvino, «Perché leggere i classici» in Saggi, vol. II, Mondadori, Milano, pp. 1816 e sgg.; E. Bandini, «Non come un romanzo. Retoriche scolastiche ed educazione alla lettura» in Between, 7, 2014; M. Wolf, Lettore, vieni a casa. Il cervello che legge in un mondo digitale, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2018, pp. 9-196.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Examination procedure: an intermediate examination after the conclusion of each module. 

End-of-course examination: Oral examination. For the assessment of the examination, account will be taken of the candidate's mastery of the content and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical property, as well as his or her argumentative capacity.