Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MARCO LINO LEONARDI

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding

students will be enabled to learn about previously unpublished aspects of medieval civilisation and will be fully introduced to the reading and interpretation of medieval documentary sources.


2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

students will apply the knowledge acquired in the course of the lectures by taking an in-progress test and the final examination. In the course of the lectures they will be enabled to understand unpublished aspects of the medieval period and to apply these skills in the conduct of the examination.


3) Autonomy of judgment

Students will study the discipline on texts characterised by linearity of exposition and clarity of treatment. From the texts on the syllabus, the teacher will encourage critical capacity and autonomy of judgement in the learner.


4) Communication’s skills

The lectures and teaching activities carried out by the lecturer will be aimed at probing the communication skills of the learners, obtained through active participation in the lectures. The lecturer will stimulate in the learners that mastery in the communication and transmission of historical knowledge, which in the years to come these learners will pour into their work experience.


5) Learning abilities

The adoption of texts carefully screened by the lecturer will have as its fundamental objective the learning of a method of working and reflecting on the contents learned that will be useful, once the Master's degree has been obtained, in the working environment. In the course of the lectures, numerous tools will be provided to assist the learner, such as summary diagrams and chronological tables, in order to facilitate learning skills in the discipline.

Course Structure

The teaching will be delivered by means of lectures, in which every aspect will be developed in order to fully understand unpublished aspects of medieval civilisation. The projection of themed films and the dissemination of aids such as summary diagrams and chronological tables will aim to develop a teaching method that learners will adopt in their future work experiences.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course focuses on the teaching and transmission of Law in the Late Middle Ages (5th-16th centuries). From the 'Corpus Iuris Civilis' [529-534] to the 'Confessio Augustana' [1530], the dissemination and affirmation of Law and Law can be considered among the outstanding peculiarities of medieval civilisation.

Textbook Information

- Francesco Calasso, Medio Evo del Diritto, Adelphi, Milano 2021, pp. 647.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.