Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: MARCO LINO LEONARDI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Medieval History teaching aims to convey the basic knowledge of the historic period that formed the Euro-Mediterranean area from the Fifth to the Sixteenth Century. It will be demonstrated during the course of lessons as every single historic event, for example, the imperial coronation of Charlemagne on Christmas Night of year 800 AD, can be understood, if we reconstruct the history of events, of the culture, and of the social-economic structures in the Medieval period.

Course Structure

The teaching is divided into two parts that are closely related. The general course aims to the knowledge of the peculiar characteristics of the cultural, economics, philosophical, religious and social foundations from the Edict of Tolerance (313) to the action of Martin Luther (1483-1546) inside the variegated world of the medieval society (centuries IV-XVI). The monographic course investigates the utilization, the culture, the reception of Protestantism in Late Medieval Europe (XVI centuries). Particular importance will be given to the description of the clashes to control of conscience, cultural production and their solution.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Description of historic events that have characterized the Middle Ages. (centuries V-XVI). The course pays particular attention to the use, changing of mentality and diffusion of Luther’s Thought and action in Late Medieval Europe (XVI centuries). 

Textbook Information

General course (5 CFU). Textbook:

- Oscar Halecki, Il Millennio d’Europa, D’Ettoris Editori, Cosenza 2023, ISBN 9788893280853, pp. 1-500.


Monographic Study (1 CFU). Textbook:

- Ermanno Pavesi, La rivoluzionaria teologia di Lutero. Agli albori della Riforma Protestante, D’Ettoris Editori, Cosenza 2022, ISBN 9788893281256, pp. 120.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.