Linguistic of Italian sign language I

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SABINA FONTANA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to provide the ability to understand the functioning of language and in particular, of signed languages, by drawing on the linguistic knowledge of one's native language in order to learn to analyze it according to its levels of analysis. 

Applying knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to promote the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of the main concepts of linguistics and of sign linguistics in such a way that one can argue one's own positions on theoretical problems and solve problems related to this field of research.

Making judgement:

Awareness of the levels of analysis of language and its functioning together with the socio-historical variables that act on language, will enable the development of autonomous judgement also in relation to the various language models that have been developed in the 20th century.

Communication skills:

Reflection on the functioning of language requires the development of a specialised vocabulary that will enable a more technical description of the object of study.

Learning skills 

The acquisition of learning skills will enable the student to undertake research and study activities with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

36 hours will be devoted to frontal lessons and to group works. Students should pass one test: on on phonetics and phonology of Italian. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.


Required Prerequisites

metalinguistic awareness and grammatical analysis skills are required

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance, is not compulsory.  However, constant  attendance of the course is strongly recommended, given the specific nature of the discipline and the objective difficulty of preparing oneself adequately.

Detailed Course Content

 The Course allows students to master the basics of the discipline, such as the nature of sounds and sound systems of spoken languages, of parameters and cheremes of sign languages. It will also focus on the nature of word and signs structures and syntactic structures, and finally on the interaction of syntax with semantics and pragmatics. Students learn to apply problem-solving skills in each of these areas. Furthermore, language in its social dimensions will be studied by analysing face-to-face interaction and multimodality in communication and by taking into consideration cultural and linguistic diversity. Language and social life and community will be focussed with the aim of attaining a good level of linguistic and sociolinguistic awareness that can be applied not only to single languages but also to translation as social process.

Textbook Information

Berruto G. Cerruti M. (2019) La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo, UTET (seconda edizione)

Volterra V., Roccaforte M., Di Renzo A., Fontana S., (2019) Descrivere la lingua dei segni italiana. Una prospettiva sociosemiotica e cognitiva. Il Mulino (primi tre capitoli)

Campisi E., (2018) Che cosa è la gestualità, Carocci

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Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. Minoranze e Comunità Volterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana;
22. Storia della Comunità segnanteVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
33. Storia della Ricerca della LISVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
44. fonetica e fonologia Berruto e Cerruti
55. Gesti e segniVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
66. Gesti nell'acquisizione del linguaggioVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
77. Cherema e elementi sub-lessicaliVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
88. Morfologia; Berruto e Cerruti
99. SintassiBerruto e Cerruti
1010. Morfologia e enunciato in LISVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
1111. Semantica e Pragmatica Berruto e Cerruti;
1212. Sociolinguistica delle lingue vocaliBerruto e Cerruti
1313. Sociolinguistica della LISVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
1414. gesti co-verbaliCampisi
1515. Teorie sul funzionamento del gesto co-verbaleCampisi
1616. Metodi di trascrizione del gestoCampisi
1717. Comparazione LIS e LIngua VocaleVolterra, Roccaforte, Di Renzo e Fontana
1818. Caratteristiche distintive del linguaggio umanoBerruto e Cerruti; Volterra et al.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

For the assessment, the capacity of analysing vocal and signed languages at the various levels of analysis, the sign language community, linguistic accuracy and lexical property, as well as the candidate's ability to discuss the main topics related to sign language structure

Should conditions require it, assessment can take place at a distance

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

With reference to the determinations voted unanimously in item 2 of the Departmental Council meeting of 6 May 2020, the knowledge and skills required to achieve a pass in the LIS Linguistics - LIS I examination are indicated below: 

- Phonetic and phonemic transcription and the ability to recognise the difference between phonemes, phonemes, free variants and combinatorial variants

- Phoneme description at the articulatory level

- Morphology and Morphological Analysis: identification of morphemes and roots.

- Syntax and syntactic analysis; tree diagrams, verb valences. 

- Difference between semantics and pragmatics

- Relations of meaning;

- Parameters and kernemes;

-body components

- sign community;

- sociolinguistics;

- co-verbal gesture.