Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ENRICO SPADARO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills about written and oral reception according to the B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Applying knowledge and understanding:

Thanks to the acquisition of linguistic and cultural skills in French and Francophone areas, students will be able to use and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, and to compare different linguistic and cultural domains.

Making judgment:

By interpreting useful data for formulating independent judgments, students will be able to face problematic situations arising from the comparison between different languages and cultures, and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, orienting themselves in the context of intercultural mediation.

Communication skills:

Students will acquire the ability to express in a complex and articulated way information, opinions, projects and solutions and to effectively communicate in an autonomous way what they learned during the course of studies in mediation working contexts.

Learning skills:

Students will be able to create relationships and to interact with heterogeneous interlocutors in different professional and cultural contexts, in which they will know how to interpret, to understand and to use in autonomous way the formalities of expression and communication. They will also develop the capacity to learn on an ongoing basis, identifying strategies for acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Course Structure

■ Frontal lessons

■ Presentations

■ Workshops

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance, as per the regulations of the Cds in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation, is optional.

Detailed Course Content

To be completed

Textbook Information


A) Morphosyntax

- S. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).

La sphère du nom;

La sphère du verbe;

Les mots invariables;

Se situer dans l’espace et dans le temps

Les différents types de phrases

De la phrase simple à la phrase complexe

Les relations logico-temporelles.

Suggested books:

- AA.VV., Les 500 exercices de grammaire (avec corrigés), Niveau B1. Paris: Hachette, 2007 (il testo è scaricabile anche in pdf).

- AA.VV., Les 500 exercices de grammaire. Niveau B2. Paris: Hachette, 2007 (il testo è scaricabile anche in pdf).

B) Language abilities:

-Marie-José LopesDelphine Twardowski-Vieites, Inspire 3 – Méthode de français. Paris: Hachette, 2022. 

- AA. VV., Cosmopolite 4 – Méthode de français. Paris: Hachette, 2020. 

Monographical lectures

A) Methodology: laboratory (compréhension des écrits et texte argumentatif) – Lecturer's files

B) Monographical lectures – Médiation, immigration et traduction

F. Windmüller. Français langue étrangère (FLE): L’approche culturelle et interculturelle. Paris: Belin, 2011 (selected parts)

Lecturer's files


Lecturer's files – Translation laboratory; texts from W. Tamzali. Histoiresminuscules des révolutions arabes. Paris : Chèvre Feuille, 2012.

Reference books:

- J. Podeur, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano al francese. Napoli: Liguori, 1993.

- M. Oustinoff, La traduction. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.

- S. Amrani, É. Grimaldi, Dalla lettura… à la traduction. Catania: C.U.E.C.M., 2007

Le syntagme nominal

Le syntagme verbal

La phrase complexe

Bilingual Dictionaries

Garzanti, Dizionario fr-it.; it.-fr., Garzanti, ultima ed.

Il Larousse francese. fr-it; it-fr., Rizzoli/Larousse, ultima ed.

Monolingual Dictionaries

Le Petit RobertLe Robert, ultima ed.

Le Petit Larousse illustré, Larousse, ultima ed.

- Trésor de la langue française informatisé (

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1La sphère du nom. S. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
2La sphère du verbeS. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
3Les mots invariablesS. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
4Se situer dans l’espace et dans le tempsS. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
5Les différents types de phrasesS. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
6De la phrase simple à la phrase complexeS. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
7Les relations logico-temporellesS. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).
8CORSO MONOGRAFICO – Médiation, immigration et traductionF. Windmüller. Français langue étrangère (FLE): L’approche culturelle et interculturelle. Paris: Belin, 2011 (parti selezionate)
9CORSO MONOGRAFICO – Médiation, immigration et traduction – L'intégration des migrantsDossier fornito dal docente
10CORSO MONOGRAFICO – Médiation, immigration et traduction – Contrat d'accueil d'immigration – Traduction et cultureDossier fornito dal docente
11TRADUCTOLOGIE ET PRATIQUE DE LA TRADUCTION- J. Podeur, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano al francese. Napoli: Liguori, 1993 (cap. 2-3)
12TRADUCTOLOGIE ET PRATIQUE DE LA TRADUCTION 2- J. Podeur, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano al francese. Napoli: Liguori, 1993 (cap.4)
13Le syntagme nominal / Le syntagme verbal – Lettura di testi in traduzione- S. Amrani, É. Grimaldi, Dalla lettura… à la traduction. Catania: C.U.E.C.M., 2007
14La phrase complexe – Lettura di testi in traduzione- S. Amrani, É. Grimaldi, Dalla lettura… à la traduction. Catania: C.U.E.C.M., 2007
15Laboratorio pratico di traduzione - testi selezionatiTesti forniti dal docente
16Laboratorio pratico di traduzione - testi selezionatiTesti forniti dal docente
17Laboratorio pratico di traduzione - testi selezionatiTesti forniti dal docente
18Laboratorio pratico di traduzione - testi selezionatiTesti forniti dal docente

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

■ final written tests

1. Oral comprehension test (listening to an audio track followed by a questionnaire to test oral comprehension).

2. Written Comprehension and Production test (a written text is proposed with a questionnaire to check comprehension of the text; the second part of the test involves writing a texte argumentatif).

3. Test of Translation from Italian into French and from French into Italian.

Final oral test

Oral examination on the programme relating to morphosyntax and the modules "Le français de médiation" and "Traductologie et pratique de la traduction".

Verification of learning may also be carried out electronically, should conditions require it.

With reference to the determinations voted unanimously at point 2 of the Departmental Council meeting of 6 May 2020, and relating to measures to contain the number of out-of-school students, the knowledge and skills required to achieve a pass in the French Language and Translation II exam are indicated below:

- language skills of comprehension, production and interaction required by level B1/B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;

- development of knowledge and skills relating to specific areas of intercultural mediation French;

- in-depth study of translation theory and practice.

The maximum mark is awarded if the student demonstrates, in all the tests of which the examination is composed, mastery of the topics, expository skills and knowledge of the subject vocabulary, ability to relate the knowledge acquired.

■ in itinere test on "morphosyntax" topics

A series of multiple-choice or morphosyntactic exercises will be presented. Each correct answer will be assessed one point for a total of thirty. Answers not given or wrong answers will not be assessed in the final count.

■ final written tests

1. Listening comprehension test (listening to an audio track followed by a questionnaire to check oral comprehension): fifteen questions worth two points each.

2. Written Comprehension and Production test. A written text is proposed with a questionnaire to check comprehension of the text; the second part of the test involves the drafting of a "texte argumentatif" to assess the student's written production capacity according to the parameters of level B2 of the CEFR ( Specifically, the ability to understand the "theme" to be developed, the ability to structure an argument, through an appropriate syntactic structure, thanks to the use of "connecteurs logiques" and the use of examples congruent with the defence of the argument presented in the text will be assessed. The test will be considered passed, with minimal values, even reaching B1 level. 

The most serious errors from a purely linguistic point of view will include incorrect concordance between verbs, nouns and adjectives, spelling mistakes, as well as poor vocabulary compared to what has been learnt during the lectures and tutorials.

3. Test of Translation from Italian into French and from French into Italian. 

The translation test is designed as a French language test (grammar and spelling) to test linguistic knowledge through the translation of a text. Out of a total of approximately 150 words, the ability to correctly apply the morphosyntactic structures analysed during the course of the lessons will be assessed, specifically the verbal concordance, the gender and number agreement between noun and adjective, the agreement of the past participle as well as the correct spelling of words. The assessment and the specific weight of the error is always weighted according to the difficulty of the text in question.

A pass mark will be awarded if the text produced in French is adequately comprehensible.

Correct spelling and the appropriate use of morphosyntactic structures will contribute to a positive assessment of the test. 

■ Final oral test

Oral examination on the programme relating to morphosyntax and the modules "Médiation, immigration et traduction" and "Traductologie et pratique de la traduction".

For the assessment of the examination, account will be taken of the mastery of the content and skills 

acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical property, as well as the argumentative capacity demonstrated by the candidate. 

of the candidate.

Evaluation grid for the final oral examination:





Responds in depth to questions, reflects correctly, competently and with particular metalinguistic sensitivity. Demonstrates excellent command and maturity in making appropriate connections between proposed topics. The language is impeccable in terms of appropriate language properties and relevant expository skills.

30 cum laude


Responds thoroughly to questions, reflects correctly and with metalinguistic sensitivity and demonstrates excellent command and maturity in making appropriate connections between proposed topics. Exposition in language is very clear and pleasant.


Very good

Responds fully to questions, reflects correctly from a meta-linguistic point of view but does not demonstrate sufficient command and maturity in making appropriate connections between the proposed topics. Exposition in language is clear.



Responds with simplicity to the questions asked but does not show particular ability to reflect and make appropriate connections between the arguments presented. Exposition in language is not entirely satisfactory and clear.



Responds in an inadequate manner to the questions asked and demonstrates some deficiencies in content and exposition in language.


Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Compréhension orale : Vous allez entendre deux fois un enregistrement sonore de 5 minutes environ, concernant une infirmière partie en Afrique. Vous aurez tout d’abord 4 minutes pour lire les questions. Puis vous écouterez une première fois l’enregistrement (5’). Vous aurez ensuite 10 minutes pour commencer à répondre aux 

questions. Vous écouterez une deuxième fois l’enregistrement (5’). Vous aurez 8 minutes pour compléter vos réponses.   


Compréhension de l’écrit : Lisez le texte et répondez aux questions Cochez VRAI (V), FAUX (F), ou 

ON NE SAIT PAS (?) et justifiez votre réponse en soulignant l’information dans le texte (puis spécifiez

la/les ligne(s) dans votre réponse).


Production écrite : Rédigez un texte argumentatif en choisissant le sujet que vous préférez.

(min. 250 mots)

 Translation from French into Italian

Translation from Italian into French


Esame orale : riflessione e discussione in lingua francese riguardo alle tematiche trattate durante 

il corso monografico : Médiation, immigration et traduction Traductologie et pratique de la traduction.

Esempi di domande: Qu’est-ce qu’un calque ? - Qu’est-ce qu’un emprunt ? – Quels sont les procédés de la 

traduction oblique ?