Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ERIKA RANIOLO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will achieve the following objectives:

- Communicating fluently and accurately in a language that uses a visual-gestural linguistic modality;

- Applying acquired linguistic skills to the study of theoretical issues;

- Being aware of the notion of language and the different levels of analysis;

- Acquiring specialized vocabulary.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and group work.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Required Prerequisites

The student should have a basic knowledge of sign language functioning (sublexical, lexical, morphological and syntactic level). It is also essential that the student has successfully passed the LIS I exam.

Attendance of Lessons

As indicated in the regulations of the Course of Studies in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation, attending the lessons is optional.

Detailed Course Content

The course offers an in-depth study of LIS, considering current research perspectives.

Textbook Information

- Volterra, V., Roccaforte, M., Di Renzo, A., Fontana, S., Descrivere la lingua dei segni italiana. Una prospettiva cognitiva e sociosemiotica, Il Mulino, Bologna 2019 (capp. 4-5-6, pp. 123-232).

- Marziale, B., Volterra, V. (a cura di), Lingua dei segni, società, diritti, Carocci, Roma 2016.

- Maragna, S., Roccaforte, M., Tomasuolo, E., Una didattica innovativa per l’apprendente sordo, Franco Angeli, Milano 2013.

- Checchetto, A., Cecchetto, C., Geraci, C., Guasti, M.T., Zucchi, A., «Una varietà molto speciale: La LISt (Lingua dei Segni Italiana Tattile)», in A. Cardinaletti, C. Cecchetto, C. Donati (a cura di), Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella LIS, Franco Angeli, Milano 2011, pp. 207-217.

Further teaching material will also be provided during the lessons (it will also be available on Studium).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. Flessioni delle unità di sensoVolterra et alii, 2019
22. Indicare, dire e illustrareVolterra et alii, 2019
33. Metafora in LISVolterra et alii, 2019
44. Sociolinguistica della LISVolterra et alii, 2019
55. Comparazione lingue dei segni e lingue vocaliVolterra et alii, 2019
66. Dibattito sull’educazione dei sordiMarziale e Volterra, 2016
77. Percezione dei sordiMarziale e Volterra, 2016
88. Funzionamento del cervelloMarziale e Volterra, 2016
99. L’apprendente sordo in contesto scolasticoMaragna et alii, 2013
1010. Strategie didattiche per apprendenti sordiMaragna et alii, 2013
1111. Competenze dei sordi in italiano scrittoMaragna et alii, 2013
1212. LIS tattileChecchetto et alii, 2011

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures


The assessment of the exam will take into account the mastery of the contents and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical properties, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Sense units, sociolinguistics of LIS, education of the deaf people, bimodal bilingualism, tactile LIS.