Hispano-american Literature 2

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SABRINA COSTANZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) Knowledge and Understanding

The course is aimed at providing a deep knowledge of important authors of the contemporary Latin American Literature

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding

Students will be provided with contextual information useful for an exegetical approach to the texts studied

3) Making Judgement

The activities carried out in the classroom will aim at the development of the interpretative and critical skills of the learners.

4) Communication skills

The study of the texts, which will also take into account the stylistic aspect, will contribute to the expansion of the students’ vocabulary, also in Spanish.

5) Learning skills

The course will provide students with the tools to consolidate their learning skills

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The course includes the study of significant authors of the contemporary Spanish-American literature, through a selection of literary works and critical essays. Particular attention will be paid to the literary representation of the experiences of the exile and the “interior exile”, through the emblematic case of the Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas.

Textbook Information

a) Classics:

The student is required to read 6 (six) texts, belonging to DIFFERENT AUTHORS, among those listed below, using any edition (including the digital one):

-          Isabel Allende, La casa de los espíritus

-          José María Arguedas, Los ríos profundos (in alternativa, El zorro de arriba)

-          Jorge Luis Borges, Ficciones

-          Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Tres tristes tigres (in alternativa, Delito por bailar el chachachá)

-          Ariel Dorfman, La muerte y la doncella

-          Carlos Fuentes, Gringo viejo

-          Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad (in alternativa, El coronel no tiene quien le escriba)

-          José Lezama Lima, Paradiso

-          Pablo Neruda, Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada (in alternativa, Residencia en la tierra)

-          Juan Carlos Onetti, El astillero

-          Ricardo Piglia, Blanco nocturno

-          Manuel Puig, El beso de la mujer araña

-          Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo (in alternativa, El llano en llamas)

-          Zoé Valdés, Café nostalgia

-          Mario Vargas Llosa, La ciudad y los perros (in alternativa, Pantaleón y las visitadoras)


b) History of Literature:

G. Bellini, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Castalia, 1997 (the pages relating to the authors chosen by the student).


J. Franco, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana (Edición revisada y puesta al día), Barcelona, Ariel, 1987 (the pages relating to the authors chosen by the student).


c) Analysis:

Literary representation of the experiences of the exile and the “interior exile”:

-          Reinaldo Arenas, Antes que anochezca (qualsiasi edizione)

-          Idem, Adiós a mamá. De La Habana a Nueva York (qualsiasi edizione)


Critical essays :

-          S. Costanzo, Livelli di rappresentazione del dialogo in “Traidor” di Reinaldo Arenas, in “Bérénice” (Speciale dialogismi), anno XVI, n. 43, marzo 2010, pp. 17-24.

-          Eadem, La tecnica dello straniamento in "Adiós a mamá" di Reinaldo Arenas, in AA. VV., El ingenio es como el fuego… Studi di iberistica offerti a Cecilia Galzio, a cura di S. Costanzo, D. A. Cusato, Messina, Lippolis, 2012, pp. 51-64.

-          Eadem, Desterritorialización, lenguaje y frontera en “Final de un cuento” de Reinaldo Arenas, in “Oltreoceano”, n. 13 (a cura di Silvana Serafin e Rocío Luque), 2017, pp. 77-86.

-          Eadem, "La torre de cristal" di Reinaldo Arenas: il mondo rutilante, in AA. VV., Ricordando Antonio Melis. Omaggio degli amici di “Testo, Metodo, Elaborazione elettronica”, a cura di D. A. Cusato e C. Galzio, Salem-Lima-New York, Axiara Editions, 2017, pp. 101-110.

-          D. A. Cusato, El cuento se acabó (a propósito de “Final de un cuento” de Reinaldo Arenas), in AA. VV., [Atti del] Congreso internacional “Literatura y política en América Latina”, Salerno 6/8 de mayo de 1993, Caracas, Ediciones La Casa de Bello, 1995, pp. 341-363.

-          Idem, Reinaldo Arenas: la vendetta della parola, in AA. VV., Scrittori “contro”: modelli in discussione nelle letterature iberiche. Atti del Convegno [AISPI] di Roma 15-16 marzo 1995,Roma, Bulzoni, 1996, pp. 347-358.

-          Idem, L'«eros» come redenzione in «El cometa Halley» di Reinaldo Arenas, in AA. VV., Ricordando Antonio Melis. Omaggio degli amici di «Testo, Metodo, Elaborazione elettronica», a cura di D. A. Cusato e C. Galzio, Salem/Lima/New York, Axiara Editions, 2017, pp. 123-137.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.