Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: AGNESE ROSA AMADURI

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, the Course intends to pursue the following aims:

Providing students with an satisfactory knowledge of the most representative authors and works of Italian literature from the origin to the early twentieth century.

Providing students with methodological tools needed to develop their own skills to understand and analyse texts from a stylistic-formal point of view and contents.

Providing students with methodological tools to mature the critical-interpretative skills to approach texts considering the historical, philological and stylistic aspects.

Course Structure

Lectures and seminars

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory

Detailed Course Content

The most important authors and significant works will be analysed by a diachronic excursion focused on texts, properly placed in their historical, literary and geographical perspective. The chronological excursions proposed are: From the origin to Dante; From Petrarca to Humanism; From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment; the Nineteenth and the early Twentieth century.

Textbook Information

Modulo A (3 ECTS)

Students are required to study the historical and critical profile of Italian literature from the origin to Dante, focusing particularly on the following writers and texts:

- Francesco d'Assisi, Laudes creaturarum (2 pp.)

- Iacopone da Todi: O iubelo del core; O Segnor, per cortesia (5 pp.)

- Iacopo da Lentini: Io m’ag[g]io posto in core a Dio servire (1 p.)

- Cecco Angiolieri: La mia malinconia è tanta e tale (1 p.)

- Guido Guinizzelli: Al cor gentil rempaira sempre amore (2 pp.)

- Guido Cavalcanti: Perch’i’ no spero di tornar giammai (2 pp.)

- Dante Alighieri: Vita nuova (cap. II; cap. III; cap. XIX: Donne ch'avete intelletto d'amore; Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare) (6 pp.); Convivio II,1 (3 pp.); Commedia (Inferno: canti I, V, X, XXVI; Purgatorio: canto XXIV; Paradiso: XXXIII) (154 pp.)


Modulo B (2 ECTS)

Students are required to study the historical and critical profile of Italian literature from Petrarca to Humanism, focusing particularly on the following writers and texts:

- Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere (I, III, XVI, XXXV, LXI, XC, CXXVI, CXXVIII, CXXXIV, CCCLXV, CCCLXVI) (15 pp.)

- Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron (Proemio; Introduzione; I, 10 Maestro Alberto da Bologna; II,1 Martellino; II,6 Madama Beritola; III, 9 Giletta di Nerbona; Introduzione alla IV giornata; IV, 1: Tancredi e Ghismunda; IV, 5 Elisabetta da Messina; V, 9 Federigo degli Alberighi, VI,3 Monna Nonna de’ Pulci; VII,1 La fantasima; VIII, 6: Calandrino; X, 10: Griselda) (122 pp.).

- Matteo Maria Boiardo, Orlando innamorato, I, 1, ottave 1-3; II, 1, ottave 1-3; II, 18, ottave 1-3; II, 19, ottave 1-3 (3 pp.)

Luigi Pulci, Morgante, XVIII, ottave 112-120; XXVII, ottave 50-57 (5 pp.)


Modulo C (2 ECTS):

Students are required to study the historical and critical profile of Italian Literature from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, focusing particularly on the following writers and texts:

- Niccolò Machiavelli, Il Principe: capp. I; V; VII; XII; XVII; XVIII; XXVI (13 pp.)

- Francesco Guicciardini: Ricordi: 1, 5, 16, 24, 30, 33, 107, 109, 118, 160, 173, 189 (10 pp.)

- Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando furioso: I, XII, XXIII (91 pp.)

- Gaspara Stampa, Rime VII, VIII, XCI (3 pp.)

- Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata: I, XII. (60 pp.)

- Vittorio Alfieri, Saul, II atto (16 pp.)

- Ugo Foscolo, Dei Sepolcri (30 pp.)


Modulo D (2 ECTS):

Students are required to study the historical and critical profile of the Nineteenth century’s Italian literature, focusing particularly on the following writers and texts:

- Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi sposi: capp. I, XXI, XXXVIII; Storia della Colonna infame (Introduzione, capp. I, III) (126 pp.)

- Giacomo Leopardi, I Canti: Ultimo canto di Saffo, L’infinito, La sera del dì di festa, Il sabato del villaggio, La ginestra; Operette morali: Dialogo della Natura e di un’anima; Dialogo di Plotino e Porfirio (35 pp.).

- Giovanni Verga, Vita dei campi: Rosso malpelo, L’amante di Gramigna; I Malavoglia: capp. I, II, XV (58 pp.)

Federico De Roberto, Novelle di guerra: La paura, La posta (64 pp.)


To study the profile of Italian literature it’s recommended:

A. Battistini (a cura di), Letteratura italiana, vol. I, Dalle origini al Seicento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014: pp. 21-40; 57-65; 79-153; 165-190; 205-221; 223-226; 236-244; 251-266; 273-343; 387-410; vol. II, Dal Settecento ai nostri giorni, pp. 53-70; 155-184; 199-209; 211-225; 231-263; 281-290; 303-329; 359-361.

For Gaspara Stampa’s Rime, students will be provided with a pdf file excerpt from Agnese Amaduri, Gaspara Stampa, Bonanno, 2015, pp. 89-101;

For De Roberto’s Short Stories, students will be provided by Studium with the article: A. Amaduri, Documenti dal fronte: l’epistolario di Federico De Roberto e i suoi “racconti di guerra”, «Annali della Fondazione Verga», n.10, 2017, pp. 441-459.


To study the classics of Italian literature it’s recommended the use of the follow editions:

Dante’s Comedy 1) edited by A.M. Chiavacci Leonardi, Mondadori; or 2) edited by di U. Bosco-G. Reggio, Le Monnier.

Petrarca’s Canzoniere edited by Marco Santagata, Mondadori.

Boccaccio’s Decameron 1) edited by Vittore Branca, Mondadori; or 2) edited by Quondam, Fiorilla, Alfano, BUR.

Machiavelli’s Principe 1) edited by Raffaele Ruggiero, BUR; or 2) edited by Ugo Dotti, Feltrinelli.

Guicciardini’s Ricordi by Mario Fubini, BUR.

Ariosto’s Orlando furioso 1) edited by Cesare Segre, Mondadori; or 2) edited by Lanfranco Caretti, Einaudi.

Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata 1) edited by Franco Tomasi, BUR; or 2) edited by Lanfranco Caretti, Einaudi.

Alfieri’s Saul edited by Ettore Mazzali, Mursia (only Atto II).

Manzoni’s I Promessi sposi edited by Salvatore Silvano Nigro, Mondadori.

Leopardi’s Canti edited by Ugo Dotti, Feltrinelli and Operette morali edited by Paolo Ruffili, Garzanti.

Verga’s I Malavoglia edited by Giulio Carnazzi, BUR.


A handbook to choose from the list below for the author’s works:

G. Baldi, S. Giusso e M. Razetti, Testi e storia della letteratura, Paravia.

C. Segre, C. Martignoni, Leggere il mondo, Bruno Mondadori.

R. Luperini, P. Cataldi, L. Marchiani, F. Marchese, Il nuovo manuale di Letteratura.


For prosody and rhetoric, students will be provided with a pdf file from G. Anselmi, L. Chines, E. Menetti, Tempi e immagini della letteratura, Edizioni scolastiche Bruno Mondadori (28 pp.)


Students will find on Studium other information and materials during the course.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.