Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: PAOLO BIAGIO CIPOLLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The class offers to students the basic principles for direct access to Greek sources, essential to an in-depth study of Greek Language and  Literature and the Classical Tradition. The course will also focus on some relevant aspects of Greek culture through reading of texts in original language, which will be accompanied by reflection on grammar, syntax and lexicon. The aim is to achieve a minimum degree of linguistic and cultural familiarity with classical texts and authors, so to allow direct reference to the sources and the interpretation of texts and images.

Course Structure

The course is articulated into two modules: the first, on the linguistic bases of Greek culture; the second, on the method and on the general features of Greek culture and mechanisms of the Classical tradition. Both the first and the second module will be carried out through lectures and exercises.

Required Prerequisites

basic knowledge of Greek language is required. An entry-level course and some class exercises will provide students with essential knowledge and skills.

Detailed Course Content

Part I: Basics of Greek vocabulary and language (3 ECTS)

1) Euripides, Medea, vv. 214-409; 446-626; 1002-1080; 1271-1419.

2) Ps.-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca I 7,1-3 (Prometheus, Deucalion and his descendants); 9,16-28 (the Argonauts); II 4,12-5,12 (Hercules’ labours); Epit. 2,3-16; 3,21-22; 6,23-28 (the Atreidae).

Full reading of texts in translation. Analysis of specified verses related to the text in the original language.

Part II: Lectures on methodology and case studies (3 ECTS)

- Historical and critical reading of the literary and iconographic sources

- Classical Tradition and history

Textbook Information

Part I: Basics of Greek vocabulary and language (3 ECTS)

1) Any edition with facing Greek text. Recommended edition: Euripides, Medea, a cura di Maria Grazia Ciani, Marsilio, Venezia 2022)


2) Apollodoro, I miti greci, a cura di P. Scarpi, Milano, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla 1996, pp. 30-35, 60-83, 122-155, 320-27, 338-343, 390-397 (selected pages will be available on Studium.unict)

Part II: Lectures on methodology and case-studies (3 ECTS)

M. Centanni, L’originale assente. Introduzione allo studio della tradizione classica, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005 (pp. 1- 439) 

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.