Assistant Professor of Medieval history [M-STO/01]

Marco Leonardi (Catania 1977) is University Researcher Confirmed in the SSD M-STO / 01 (Medieval History) at the DISUM of the University of Catania. Trained at the Universities of Catania, Freiburg im Breisgau and Jena, the medievalist develops research themes through cooperation with international research institutes, such as the FOVOG (Forschungsstelle für vergleichende Ordensgeschichte) of the Technische Universität Dresden. Corresponding member of the RIGG (Römisches Institut für die Görres-Gesellschaft Rom), the historian of the Middle Ages maintains various partnerships with universities and research institutions in the German and Italian areas, such as the Italian-German cultural center "Villa Vigoni". Alongside the research activity, the scholar supports the carrying out of scientific-cultural activities such as participation in the editorial committee of journals such as "Archivio Storico Siracusano" or the management of editorial series such as CLIO (New series of historical studies). Among his numerous publications, it is enough to recall the monographs "L'Età del Vespro Siciliano nella storiografia tedesca (Dal XIX secolo ai nostri giorni)" (Olschki, 2011),  “Aqua Curanda Est. Le acque e il loro utilizzo nei territori di Friburgo in Brisgovia e Catania dal XIII al XVI secolo” (Firenze 2017), “La medievistica siciliana e l’Età del Vespro (1250-1302). Fonti, ricostruzione storica, polemica storiografica” (Catania 2020) and the essays entitled "Die Nutzung und Verwaltung des Wassers durch die Benediktiner im Val Demone und Val di Noto vom 14. bis 16. Jh. als Spiegel der Hegemonialpolitik des Ordens auf der Insel Sizilien" (2017), “L’analisi economico-politica sull’Età di Mezzo in epoca fascista: il caso paradigmatico di Gioacchino Volpe (1922-1943)”, published in 2019 and “Il potere fantastico della medicina narrativa nel Signore degli Anelli di John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1954-1955). Tra fonti documentarie e retroterra storico”, published in 2020.  


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

History of Mendicant Orders in the late Midde Ages (XIII-XVI century).

Use and reception of water resources in the European territory in the late medieval time (XIII-XVI century).

Study of the political, religious, social and econom relation between the German area and the Italian one (XIII-XVI century).




Office hours.

Participation as a Professor at university courses and degree examinations.