History of Art Criticism

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: BARBARA MANCUSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) Knowledge and Understanding

Students acquire knowledge of art historiography between 17th and 18th centuries and methodology of art history, acquiring the ability to understand and analyse literary sources of art history

2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and analysis skills to the reading of literary sources of art history and will understand the historical and cultural background of the sources themselves and of the different authors

3) Making judgements

Students will independently apply the acquired knowledge to the reading of the sources

4) Communication skills

Students will acquire a specific technical language indispensable for the correct communication of art-historical knowledge

5) Learning skills

Students will acquire the ability to read the sources from the past relating to the history of art, to access the sources themselves, both printed and digitized.

Course Structure



Educational visit

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

This course includes a general section on history of art criticism from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century and a focus on Le vite de' pittori messinesi by Francesco Susinno.

Textbook Information

Art Historiography between 16th and 18th centuries

- D. Levi, Il discorso sull’arte. Dalla tarda antichità a Ghiberti, Bruno Mondadori, Milano-Torino 2010, pp. 1-31

- P. Barocchi, Storiografia e collezionismo dal Vasari al Lanzi, in Storia dell’arte italiana, vol. II, L’artista e il pubblico, Torino 1979, pp. 5-81;

- M.B. Failla, Il governo della vista e il primato dell’invenzione (1590-1640) e L’inganno dell’occhio e l’artificio barocco (1640-1680), in La storia delle storie dell’arte, a cura di Orietta Rossi Pinelli, Einaudi, Torino 2014, pp. 49-163

- C. Occhipinti, Percorsi di storia artistica e storiografia. Roma, l’Italia, l’Europa fra il Seicento e il Settecento, Carocci editore, Roma 2021, capitoli 1-7, pp. 1-331


Le vite de’ pittori messinesi by Francesco Susinno

- F. Susinno, Le vite de’ pittori messinesi (1724), a cura di V. Martinelli, Felice Le Monnier, Firenze 1960, pp. 1-16 (Argomento della storia al lettore); 96-120 (Catalano l’Antico, Paladini, Caravaggio, Minniti); 129-167 (Rodriguez, Barbalonga e pittori d'oltralpe); 187-198 (Quagliata); 203-211 (Marolì); 234-244 (Scilla); 275-288 (Tancredi); 289-295 (Lettera responsiva sopra l'accomodare le tavole e tele logore)

- Francesco Susinno tra «giudizio d’occhio maestro» e «istoria». Studi sulle Vite de’ pittori messinesi, a cura di B. Mancuso, “Studi di Memofonte”, 26, 2021 (247 pp.), available and downloadable at http://www.memofonte.it/studi-di-memofonte/numero-26-2021/


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.