Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE MAIMONE

Expected Learning Outcomes

The main objectives are to help students to acquire theoretical and applied knowledge – both of geopolitical and environmental nature – in the field of policies for sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection, in different development contexts and in presence of global interdependence.

Course Structure

Lectures, videos and PPT presentations, guided discussion on the proposed texts. Students are invited to take part in discussions.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course is designed to provide knowledge of:

-     concepts, theories and models of sustainable development

-     principles and models for decisions on renewable, non-renewable, and environmental resources

-     environmental policy tools and their applications

-     principles and models of international cooperation for the environment

-     the economic aspects of the international climate change policies (e.g. Kyoto)

-     some EU environmental policies (climate, renewable energy, energy efficiency)

-     the effects of environmental crises on the international relation and on migrations.

Textbook Information


-       Economie, ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile, (a c. di M. Ciani Scarnicci, A. Marcelli, P. Pinelli, A. Romani, R. Russo), 2015, 219 pp.


Focus: a book to choose between

-       Divisi dall'ambiente. Gli USA e l'Unione europea nelle politiche del clima e della biodiversità, Daniela Sicurelli, 2007, 150 pp.

-       Effetto serra, effetto guerra. Il clima impazzito, le ondate migratorie, i conflitti, Chiarelettere ed., 2017, 176 pp.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.