Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ARIANNA ROTONDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, at the end of the course students will demonstrate:

1)         an understanding of themes and problems of the discipline on the theoretical (the principles of medieval religious thought) and historical (masters and schools) levels.

2)         the necessary tools to deal with issues with methodology proper to the discipline to argue competently on the topics and problems covered.

3)         adequate stimuli to build autonomy of judgment, critical analytical skills, synthesis of new ideas, to be used as possible keys to deal with case studies (deepening of a classic of medieval thought).

4)         a method to be able to formulate research hypotheses, interpret data and elaborate possible theses; communicate with technical language and competence.

5)         pointers for independently acquiring new and specialized knowledge, using the tools provided - on the theoretical and methodological level - during the course.

Course Structure

In addition to lectures, the course includes two seminars on case studies or specific topics given by specialists and a guided tour of the Benedictine Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament (Catania) and of Diocesan Archives (Catania).

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course proposes a general study of the fundamental principles, topics and authors of Medieval Religious Thought (A). An in-depth study will be devoted to the concept of heresy, taking up its original meaning of choice, through a historical pathway that goes from the Montanists to Margherita Porete, from Giovanna d’Arco of Arc to Marta Fiascaris up to the women of the 1869 Anticouncil and the Modernists, women determined to fight, to know, to preach (B). Some suggested readings of historiographical essays complete this path (C).

Textbook Information

A (2 ECTS)


-  G. D’Onofrio, Storia del pensiero medievale, Città Nuova, Roma 2011, pp. 17- 52; pp. 236-249; pp. 296-314; pp. 423-498; pp. 605-644.


B (2 ECTS)


-                A. Valerio, Eretiche. Donne che riflettono, osano, resistono, Il Mulino 2022, pp. 168.

-                M. Benedetti, Condannate al silenzio. Le eretiche medievali, Mimesis 2017, p. 54.


C (2 ECTS)

(un testo a scelta):

-                C. Frugoni, Vita di un uomo: Francesco d’Assisi, Einaudi, Torino 2014,               pp. 172.

-                Abelardo e Eloisa. Lettere, a cura di M. Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, BUR      Rizzoli, Milano 1996, pp. 245

-                A. Vauchez, Caterina da Siena. Una mistica trasgressiva, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018, pp. 140

-                R. M. Bell, La santa anoressia. Digiuno e misticismo dal Medioevo a oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1998, pp. 281.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.