Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year - Curriculum Archeologico and Curriculum Storico-artistico
Teaching Staff: Rosario CASTELLI
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: L-FIL-LET/10 - Italian literature
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 54 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Acquiring the knowledge of the Italian literature from its origins to the early twentieth century through direct reading, commentary and the interpretation of the texts of our literary tradition. Consolidating exposure and critical judgment skills. Expanding vocabulary and sector terminology. Acquiring more in-depth metric and rhetorical notions. Promoting the autonomy of literary research and, more generally, that of criticism.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons; participated lessons; seminars

Detailed Course Content

By privileging the centrality of texts and a historical perspective, authors and works will be analyzed in the context of cultural systems and geographic realities of belonging. Within the Italian literary history and its works, some thematic paths will be identified such as: Sacred love and profane love in the evolution of the medieval lyrical form; norm and subversion from poems to treaties; the light of reason and poetry; History, novel and narrative anti-historicism.

Textbook Information

Module A:

The evolution of lyrical form in the Middle Ages: sacred love and profane love (3 cfu)

Knowledge of the historical-critical profile of Italian literature of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and of the following authors is required: Francesco d'Assisi; Iacopone da Todi; Guido Guinizzelli; Guido Cavalcanti; Dante Alighieri; Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio. The study of the following passages is also required:

Francesco d'Assisi, Laudes creaturarum;

Iacopone da Todi: Lauda 89 (Donna de Paradiso);

Cecco Angiolieri: S’i fossi foco; Tre cose solamente;

Guido Guinizelli: Io voglio del ver;

Guido Cavalcanti: Chi è questa che ven; Perch’i non spero di tornar giammai;

Dante Alighieri: Vita nuova: (cap. I, Proemio; cap. II; cap. XIX: Donne ch'avete intelletto d'amore; cap. XXVI: Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare); Rime, 9(LII): Guido, i' vorrei che tu e Lapo ed io; Divina Commedia (Inferno: canti III, V, XXIII; Purgatorio: canto XXIV; Paradiso: canti I e XXXIII);

Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere (I, Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse il suono; III, Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro; XVI, Movesi il vecchierel canuto et biancho; XC, Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura sparsi; CXXIV, Chiare, fresche et dolci acque; CCCLXVI, Vergine bella, che di sol vestita);

Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron (Proemio; II,7: Alatiel; Introduzione alla IV giornata; IV,1 Tancredi e Ghismunda; IV,5: Lisabetta da Messina; X,10: Griselda).


Module B:

From poems to treaties (and back), between norm and subversion (2 cfu)

Knowledge of the historical-critical profile of Italian literature from the Fourth to the Seventeenth century and of the following authors is required: Matteo Maria Boiardo; Ludovico Ariosto; Torquato Tasso, Niccolò Machiavelli, Francesco Guicciardini; Giambattista Marino. The study of the following passages is also required:

Matteo Maria Boiardo: Orlando innamorato: canto I,1-3;

Ludovico Ariosto: Orlando furioso: I,1-23; XII, 4-22; XXIII,100-136; XXXIV,70-87.

Torquato Tasso: Gerusalemme liberata: I,1-5; XII,52-70; XVI,9-19.

Niccolò Machiavelli: Il Principe: capp. I; VI; IX; XV; XVIII; XXVI.


Module C:

“Magnifiche sorti e progressive” and “pietosa insania”: the light of reason and the poetry of illusion between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries (2 cfu):

Knowledge of the historical-critical profile of Italian literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and of the following authors is required: Vittorio Alfieri, Giuseppe Parini, Ugo Foscolo, Giacomo Leopardi. The study of the following passages is also required:

Ugo Foscolo: Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis (lettera dell’11 ottobre 1797; lettera del 12 maggio 1798); Sonetti (Alla sera; A Zacinto; In morte del fratello Giovanni); Dei Sepolcri.

Giacomo Leopardi: Canti (Ultimo canto di Saffo; L'infinito; Le ricordanze; Canto notturno di un pastore errante dell'Asia; Il sabato del villaggio; La ginestra); Operette morali (Dialogo della Natura e di un Islandese; Dialogo di Federico Ruysch e delle sue mummie; Dialogo di Plotino e di Porfirio).


Module D:

History, novel and narrative anti-historicism (2 cfu)

The knowledge of the historical-critical profile of Italian literature from the Nineteenth to the Twentieth century and in particular of the following authors is required: Alessandro Manzoni, Giovanni Verga; Luigi Pirandello. The study of the following passages is also required:

Alessandro Manzoni: Storia della colonna infame; I Promessi Sposi (capp. I, IV, VIII, XXIII, XXXIII; XXXV;

Giovanni Verga: dalle Novelle: Nedda; Libertà; Di là del mare; I Malavoglia (capp. I; II; XV); Mastro don Gesualdo (parte IV, cap.V);

Luigi Pirandello: I vecchi e i giovani.


A manual to choose among the following:

- R. Luperini, P. Cataldi e L. Marchiani, Il nuovo La scrittura e l’interpretazione, Palumbo.

  • G. Baldi, S. Giusso e M. Razett, Testi e storia della letteratura, Paravia.
  • C. Segre, C. Martignoni, Leggere il mondo, Bruno Mondadori.

For metrics and rhetoric, we recommend:

B. Mortara Garavelli, Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche, Laterza.

Other materials for studying and deepening the contents discussed during the course will be provided through the Studium platform.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.