Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ANTONINO SICHERA

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will demonstrate:

1) knowledge and understanding skills such as to reinforce those achieved in the first cycle; ability to elaborate and / or apply original ideas, in a research context.

2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding and ability to solve problems to new or unfamiliar issues, inserted in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts connected to one's field of study;

3) ability to integrate knowledge and to formulate judgments on the basis of information that is not necessarily complete;

4) ability to communicate one's knowledge clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

5) ability to carry out research autonomously.


The Italian Contemporary Literature course (Level II) aims to provide an articulated methodological approach to texts and authors of the Italian literature of the twentieth century, according to philological, intertextual and thematic perspectives. In particular, this year's course focuses on Pirandello's novel, as an ideal case to bring up issues related to the philology of printed texts; to grasp the intertextuality that is in the background of great literature; to address the issues of a complex and decisive textual hermeneutics for contemporary Italian and European literature.

Course Structure

The course includes lectures, workshops and seminars.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Pirandello’s Roman in European Culture. The monographic study will focus on Il fu Mattia Pascal. Two seminars are planned: one on Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio Operatore, another on contemporary Italian poetry.

Textbook Information

 The student will read two Pirandello Novels, in a chosen edition:

-          L. Pirandello, Il fu Mattia Pascal, Milano, Mondadori, 2023.

-          L. Pirandello, Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore, Milano, Mondadori, 2022.


The student will also study:

-          A. Sichera, Introduzione e Postfazione, in L. Pirandello, Il fu Mattia Pascal, Milano, Mondadori, 2023.

-          A. Di Silvestro, Nota filologica, in L. Pirandello, Il fu Mattia Pascal, Milano, Mondadori, 2023.


 The course requires reading:

-          A. Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi (1840), edizione a scelta.

-          G. Leopardi: Operette morali, BUR o Guida.


The student will also read:

-          J.W. Goethe, Wilhelm Meister. Gli anni dell’apprendistato, Adelphi.

-          F. Dostoevskij, Delitto e castigo, edizioni BUR o Feltrinelli.

And a book chosen from:

-          B. Pascal, Pensieri, testo fr. a fronte, a cura di A. Bausola, Bompiani.

-          M. de Montaigne, Saggi, Libro primo, testo fr. a fronte, a cura di F. Garavini e A. Tournon, Bompiani.


For further information, the student will be able to draw freely from the following bibliography:

-          AA.VV. Il romanzo di Pirandello, Palermo, Palumbo, 1976.

-          AA.VV., Lo strappo nel cielo di carta, Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1988.

-          AA.VV., Magia di un romanzo. Il fu Mattia Pascal prima e dopo, Novara, Interlinea, 2005.

-          B. Alfonzetti, L’erede del «Copernico»: Pirandello e la trottola, «Le forme e la storia», n. 1, 1989, pp. 77-111.

-          R. Barilli, Pirandello. Una rivoluzione culturale, Milano, Mursia, 1986.

-          N. Borsellino, Ritratto e immagini di Pirandello, Roma- Bari, Laterza, 2000.

-          G. Debenedetti, Il romanzo del Novecento, Milano, Garzanti, 1998.

-          E. Ferrario, L’occhio di Mattia Pascal, Roma, Bulzoni, 1978.

-          J. M. Gardair, Il fu Mattia Pascal di Pirandello, Bari, Metauro, 2001.

-          M.A. Grignani, Retoriche pirandelliane, Napoli, Liguori, 1993.

-          M. Guglielminetti, Pirandello, Roma, Salerno, 2006.

-          E. Iachia, Pirandello e il suo Cristo. Segni e indizi dal «Fu Mattia Pascal», Milano, Ancora, 2007.

-          R. Luperini, Pirandello, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999.

-          M. Manotta, Pirandello, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2008.

-          Marchese, Il segno letterario, Messina-Firenze, D’Anna, 1987.

-          G. Mazzacurati, Pirandello nel romanzo europeo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1987.

-          Pupino, Pirandello o l’arte della dissonanza, Roma, Salerno, 2008

-          L. Sciascia, Alfabeto pirandelliano, Milano, Adelphi, 1989.

-          L. Sedita, La maschera del nome, Roma, Treccani, 1998.

-          Sichera, Ecce Homo! Nomi, cifre e figure di Pirandello, Firenze, Olschki, 2005.

-          M. Veronesi, Pirandello, Napoli, Liguori, 2007.


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