Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Miryam GRASSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) knowledge and understanding skills that reinforce those achieved in the first cycle; ability to elaborate and/or apply original ideas, in a research context.

2) ability to apply knowledge and understanding and problem-solving skills to new or unfamiliar topics, set in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study

3) ability to integrate knowledge and make judgements on the basis of information that is not necessarily complete

4) ability to communicate one's knowledge clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors

5) ability to pursue research independently.


Specific objectives:

- Knowledge of the formal and material aspects and the manuscript tradition of 14th century poetry, with particular attention to the work of Petrarch.

 - Knowledge of the fundamentals of literary lexicography and of the theoretical and practical problems linked to the realisation of concordances of poetic texts and databases of nineteenth/nineteenth-century Italian poetry.

- Ability to apply ecdotic and lexicographic methodologies to the reading and interpretation of works and their genesis.

- Ability to extend the acquired methodologies to the philological analysis and interpretation of other texts of Italian literature.

Course Structure

Lectures; exercises and laboratory activities.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

D Philology of printed texts. The case of Processi verbali by Federico De Roberto (2 ECTS)

Textbook Information

D Philology of printed texts. The case of Processi verbali by Federico De Roberto (2 ECTS)

- F. De Roberto, Processi verbali, Palermo, Sellerio, 1997, 164 pp. ;

- The novellas included in Processi verbali in the version published in magazine (available on http://studium.unict.it);

- S. Zappulla Muscarà, Capuana e De Roberto, Caltanissetta-Roma, Sciascia, 1984, pp. 270-272, 286-288 : Ferdinando Di Giorgi, Lettere a Federico De Roberto, edited by Maria Emma Alaimo, Catania, Biblioteca della Fondazione Verga, 1985, pp. 133-136 ; Giovanni Verga, Lettere sparse, edited by Giovanna Finocchiaro Chimirri, Roma, Bulzoni, 1979, pp. 247-248 ;

- Giuseppe Traina, A proposito delle varianti a stampa della Disdetta di Federico De Roberto, in Letteratura e lingue nazionali e regionali. Studi in onore di Nicolò Mineo, edited by Salvatore Claudio Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio Trovato, Roma, Il Calamo, 1996, pp. 541-555 ;

- Rosaria Sardo, «Al tocco magico del tuo lapis verde...». De Roberto novelliere e l’officina verista, Catania, Biblioteca della Fondazione Verga, 2008, pp. 7-33, 337-363.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.