Comparative Literature

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Attilio SCUDERI

Expected Learning Outcomes

1)      Knowledge and Understanding

The Course aims to transfer the most advanced Concepts of  recent Literary Debate in Criticism and Hermeneutics

2)      Applying Knowledge and Understanding

These goals will be verified through a lab of reading and interpretation on Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Classics

3)      Making Judgements

The written Literary Essay, focused on one of the texts analyzed in the Class, will be the moment to show the maturity of Judgement of the Students

4)      Communication Skills

Both written and oral exams push the students to achieve a high level of Communication of Complex Concepts of Literary and Humanistic debate, and autonomy of aesthetic judgment and interpretation

5)      Learning skills

These goals will be verified through a written essay and a final oral exam, in the final perspective of Scientific Research, and Teaching of Languages and Literatures. Interdisciplinary knowledge and skills will be transferred and texted

Course Structure

The whole Course is a reading and writing Lab; it is divided in two modules. Students will work either individually and in group. Presence in Class is recommended.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The First Part introduces to the Theory of Literature as a Form of Human and Cultural Communication. The Second Part focuses on the theme of Conspiracy, between Literature and History, Novel and Cinema, in Italy and USA.

Textbook Information

Modulo A: Literature today: (2 ECTS)

Text: F. Bertoni, Letteratura, Carocci, Roma, 2018, pp.13-286.


Modulo B: Democracy in jeopardy: trhrough novel and cinema (4 ECTS)

Novels: (choose at least three): P. Roth, Il complotto contro l’America, Einaudi, Torino; D. DeLillo, Libra, Einaudi, Torino; L. Sciascia, L’Affaire Moro, ediz. a scelta Adelphi o Sellerio; P.P. Pasolini, Petrolio, ediz. a scelta Einaudi, Mondadori o Garzanti.

Movies:  JFK, O. Stone, 1991; JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, O. Stone, 2021; Esterno notte, M. Bellocchio, 2022.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.