Teaching of History

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SALVATORE ADORNO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The objective of the course is to activate skills and knowledge for the conduct of disciplinary teaching. At the end of the course the student must possess the control of the didactic tools the awareness of the social and educational aims of the history. For this reason, the course is aimed at providing the student with an in-depth knowledge of first-order concepts (general substantive concepts, single factual propositions, historical concepts) and second-order concepts (historical time, historical change, historical causality, historical significance, historical relevance , historical interpretation) typical of the historical discipline up to third-order levels, characterized by the historical awareness capable of directing the knowledge of the past in relation to the present and the construction of the future. The Dublin descriptors (Knowledge and understanding, ability to apply knowledge and understanding, independent judgement, communication skills, learning ability), remain objectives of a framework of general competences which will support the specific competences of the discipline.

Course Structure

The teaching will be carried out through lectures and seminar activities that will involve students in the critical reading of history teaching texts and historical sources.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

1) the meaning: History in its becoming as discipline, purpose and usefulness of the discipline, public use of History, fundamental typologies of today’s historiography, relation between research and teaching.

2) the method: time and space; historical sources; inference, comparison, generalization; archives and traditional sources, archives and digital sources; particularities and levels of the historical text;

3) the school rule: analysis of the curricula; the national indications and their link with the curriculum; the experiences of other European countries; history, identity and citizenship

4) teaching: the educational programming of history; transmission-sequential teaching; the modular learning Unit; the research methodology at school

5) the laboratory: project development; educational experimentation; use of technologies in experimentation and dissemination of teaching experiences

Textbook Information

Module A (3 ECTS - Prof. ADORNO)

For all students

Salvatore Adorno, Luigi Ambrosi, Margherita Angelini, Pensare storicamente. Didattica, laboratori, manuali, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020 (pp. 11-149; 185-275)


One text to be choosen among:

Pietro Corrao e Paolo Viola, Introduzione agli studi di storia, Roma, Donzelli, 2005 (137 p.)

Sergio Luzzatto (a cura di), Prima lezione di metodo storico, Roma – Bari, Laterza, 2010 (208 p.)

Piero Bevilacqua, L’utilità della storia. Il passato e gli altri mondi possibili, Roma, Donzelli, 2007 (175 pp.)



I testi a scelta dei moduli A potranno essere studiati in modo seminariale attraverso analisi e relazioni. Questo lavoro varrà come prova in itinere. La partecipazione alla prova in itinere esclude i testi dalla prova orale.

Texts chosen for Module A may be studied in seminar mode through analysis and reports. This job will be evaluated as an intermediate exam and the texts will be detracted from the final oral exam.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.