Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ELVIA MARIA LETIZIA GIUDICE

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course combines study of archaeology and art of the classical world. It looks at the Greek and Roman societies and cultures, through written texts, visual art and material remains, It is aimed at anyone interested in investigating ancient civilisations and their remains: from Greek and Roman temples to wall paintings, friezes, and the poignant residues of everyday life. Ancient terminology wil be used and learned as part of the course.


Based on the Dublin descriptors the objectives of the course are:

1) Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding of the main manifestations of material and artistic culture  from  greek geometric style to late roman antiquity, through written texts, visual art and material remains. Knowledge of Greek and Roman figurative language.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: ability to describe and date major Greek and Roman monuments of the classical period and recognize their iconographic patterns.

3) Autonomy of judgment. The student will develop a critical approach to Greek and Roman Iconography.

4) Communication skills. Provide students with specialized vocabulary to enable them to communicate adequately to the scientific community.

5) Learning skills. Develop autonomy in the ability to identify the most representative scientific texts and understand them adequately.

Course Structure

The course will be structured in three parts, a first in which problems of periodization will be discussed; a second one, in which the main monuments of Greek and Roman art will be illustrated, and, finally, a third during which we will deal with main themes of iconography.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Study of the main documents of Greek and Roman art with particular attention to the iconographic content, analyzed in relation to the historical and social context of each era.

Textbook Information

A. General aspects of the discipline   and periodization of  Greek and Roman Archaeology (5 CFU)

Text Books:

For Greek Archaeology:

- T. Hölscher, Il mondo dell’arte greca, Torino 2008, pp. 3-161.


For Roman Archaeology:

- Massimiliano Papini, Arte romana, Mondadori, Milano 2016:

Chapter 2: Il sistema delle immagini nell’arte di età romana (E. La Rocca), pp. 40-62.

Chapter 5: L’Italia e Roma dal secolo X al I a.C. (M. Papini), pp. 131-162

Chapter 6: Secolo I a.C. -secolo I d.C.: dagli imperatori giulio-claudi alla dinastia flavia (E. La Rocca), pp. 163-202.

Chapter 7: Il secolo II d.C. e i “buoni imperatori” (M. Papini), pp. 203-231.

Chapter 8: Il secolo III d.C. e la “crisi” dell’Impero (A. Lo Monaco), pp. 232-258.

Chapter 9: Secoli IV-VI d.C. : Il Tardo antico (S. Tortorella), pp. 259-288.

Chapter 10: Rappresentazioni  storiche (Matteo Cadario), pp. 291-319.

Chapter 11: I ritratti ( M. Papini), pp. 320-344.

Chapter 18 La Pittura ( S. Fortunati, S. Tortorella) pp. 467-490.


B. Seminars on topics chosen by the teacher (1 cfu)
- Materials placed in the course platform


Or the articles:

- Gottfried Gruben, Il tempio: tipi, funzioni, età protogeometrica e geometrica, età protoarcaica, da: I Greci. Storia Cultura Arte Società, VOL. II.1, pp. 381-434, Torino 1997.

- Heinrich Borbein, La nascita di un’arte classica, da: I Greci. Storia Cultura Arte Società, VOL. II.2, pp. 1275-1303, Torino 1997,

- H. von Hesberg, Riti e produzione artistica delle corti ellenistiche, da: I Greci. Storia Cultura Arte Società, VOL. II.3, pp. 178-214, Torino 1997


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.