Classical Vase Painting

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ELVIA MARIA LETIZIA GIUDICE

Expected Learning Outcomes

Painted vases give the fullest visual account of life and mythology in ancient Greece and provide important archaeological data for refining and adding to knowledge of various aspects of ancient Greek culture.


Based on the Dublin descriptors the objectives of the course are:

1) Knowledge and understanding: the chronological study of  the main pictorial techniques  will be accompanied by iconographic analysis of a selection of the most important attic vases..

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will be to enable to date and describe potteries produced in Athens between 600 and 400 B.C.

3) Autonomy of judgment: the student will develop a critical approach to Greek Iconography.

4) Communication skills. Provide students with specialized vocabulary to enable them to communicate adequately to the scientific community.

5) Learning skills. Develop autonomy in the ability to identify the most representative scientific texts and understand them adequately.

Course Structure

The course will be structured in three parts, a first part in which we will discuss problems of periodization and explain how it is possible to date the Greek vases; a second one, in which the main pottery types will be distinguished, and, finally, a third in which the main iconographic schemes will be shown.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

Study of the main documents of Greek pottery with particular focus on the iconographic content, analyzed in relation to the historical and social context of each era; specific attention will be devoted to the study of the main techniques and styles of attic pottery.

Textbook Information

A. General aspects of the discipline and periodization of  Greek Vases (4 CFU)


- J. Boardman, The History of Greek Vases, Oxford 2006, pp. 11-244

- I. Scheibler, Il vaso in Grecia, Longanesi, Milano 2004, pp. 18-66, 81-151.

B.  Seminars on topics chosen by the teacher (2CFU)

- E. Giudice, G. Giudice, La ceramica attica dal Persephoneion di Locri fra mito e rito, in Studi miscellanei di ceramografia greca III, Catania 2017, Ediarch, pp. 11-48

   - Materials placed in the course platform or M. Torelli, Le strategie di Kleitias, Electa, Milano 2007, pp. 9-116.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.