Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Pietro Maria MILITELLO and Simona Venera TODARO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: L-ANT/01 - Prehistory and early history
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Aim of the course is to make students able to carry on their research in the field of Central Mediterranean Protohistory (II and I millennium b.C.) through the possess of adequate methodologies in the field of archaeology, epigraphy and bibliographical research. This goal will be achieved through the teaching methodology of seminars.

Course Structure

Frontal lectures in the classroom will provide the student the knowledge of the content of the course, whereas practical skills will be obtained through training activities in the classroom and outside.

Detailed Course Content

Central Mediterranean. Definition and prehistoric chronologies. Southern Italy, Malta and Sardinia from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age. Sicily between the late Early Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age. Mediterranean interconnections in the II millennium b.C.

Southern Italy, Greece and Sicily from the end of the Bronze Age to the beginning of Greek colonization; Sicily before the Greeks.

Textbook Information

Module 1 – Central Mediterranean in the II millennium b.C. (3 CFU)

1) Sestieri, Anna Maria Bietti. 2014. Sicily in Mediterranean History in the Second Millennium BC. The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean, Knapp, A. Bernard and Peter van Dommelen, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 74-95.

2) F. Iacono et alii, Establishing the Middle Sea: The Late Bronze Age of Mediterranean Europe (1700–900 BC), in Journal of Archaeological Research 2021, pp. 1-75.

3) R.M. Albanese Procelli, Sicani, Siculi, Elimi, Milano 2003, pp. 1-128.


Module 2 -Central Mediterranea in the I millennium BC (3 CFU)

1) Jeffrey P. Emanuel, After the Fall: The Early Iron Age in the Aegean and Central Mediterranean, in Naval Warfare and Maritime conflict in the late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Mediterranean, 2020, pp. 282-310

2) A. Kotsonas, J. Mokrisova, Mobility, Migration, and colonization, in A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, a cura di I. Lemos e A. Kotsonas, pp. 217-246

3) R. Leighton, “Sicily”, in A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, a cura di I. Lemos e A. Kotsonas, pp. 1237-1252.

4) Albanese, La Sicilia centro orientale dal Bronzo Recente alla prima età del ferro, in Atti della XLI Riunione scientifica “dai ciclopi agli ecisti: società e territorio nella Sicilia preistorica e protostorica” (San Cipirello (PA), 16-19 novembre 2006), Roma 2012, pp. 185-205

5) La Torre, Gioacchino Francesco Le popolazioni indigene della Sicilia all'epoca della colonizzazione, in Atti della XLI Riunione scientifica “dai ciclopi agli ecisti: società e territorio nella Sicilia preistorica e protostorica” (San Cipirello (PA), 16-19 novembre 2006), Roma 2012, pp. 231-254


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.