PhD in Sciences for Cultural Heritage and Production - XXXV cycle
Tutor: Maria DE LUCA

Giuseppe Sanfratello (Palermo, 1985), PhD, is currently conducting an ethnomusicological study on the multipart singing repertoires of the Ionian Islands (Department of Humanities, University of Catania). He has worked on Cretan vocal music and the Sicilian-Albanian liturgical chant repertoire. His research interests concern multipart music and the relationship between music and the sacred. He has taught Ethnomusicology at the University of Copenhagen and the Ionian University (Corfu); since 2020, he has been a lecturer in the Introduction to Ethnomusicology seminar at DISUM. He has published in national and international journals and has participated conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad. He is also a member of the editorial board of the journal «Musica Docta» and the «Bollettino di studi belliniani».