April-May 2024: held a 3-ECTS seminar for bachelor and master students on how to write and read academic texts in German: "Teoria e prassi del testo accademico in tedesco: come leggere e scrivere una Hausarbeit".
Academic year 2023/24: didactic tutor for students of German Language and Translation (Lingua e Traduzione Tedesca).
Since June 2023: delegate of the research centre POLYPHONIE at Festival für grenzüberschreitende Literatur globale° 23, in Bremen. Also member of its organisation committee.
June 2023: participation in the Summer School "Telling people apart: Sorting, Grouping, Distinguishing", Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Since March 2023: co-tutelle with Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), with Prof. Britta Schneider.
October-December 2022: Fellowship at Universiy Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) - VIP Program for Graduates.
Since September 2022: member of the editorial team of the online publication platform POLYPOHNIE (http://www.polyphonie.at/index.php?op=publicationplatform&sub=viewarea&area=20 ).
Since January 2022: member of the inter-university research centre POLYPHONIE (Genoa-Catania).
Since October 2021: PhD candidate in Interpretation Sciences at University Catania.
Talks at conferences and workshops
18/07/2024: Identitätsaushandlungen und Nichtzugehörigkeit durch die Sprache(n): Mehrsprachigkeit als Distanzerfahrung. Conference (co-organized by me, Daniel Schmidt and Ramona Pellegrino): "Grenzüberschreitende Literatur(en) in einer polyphonen Welt: Mehrsprachigkeit als Quelle der literarischen Kreativität", Universität Bremen, Bremen.
08/07/2024: Tutte le lingue sono uguali, ma alcune sono più uguali delle altre: linguicismo e costruzione dell’altro nel contesto post-migratorio germanofono. Doctoral conference "II Convegno dottorale in Scienze dell'Interpretazione", University of Catania, Catania.
21/0672024: Biographical and literary experiences of languages: multilingualism in novels. 2024 PhD Viadrilinguistics Summer Workshop (co-organized by me and Didem Leblebici). Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).
11/04/2024: Ideologie linguistiche, questioni di mercato ed emotive nei repertori linguistici di autrici plurilingue. Conference: "Immagini, simboli, lingue delle migrazioni", University of Catania, Catania.
15/03/2024: Spracherlebnisse, Identitätskonstruktionen und Schreiben: Mehrsprachigkeit als soziale und kreative Erfahrung. Workshop (co-organized by me, Ramona Pellegrino and Daniel Schmidt): Grenzüberschreitende Literatur(en) in einer polyphonen Welt: Mehrsprachigkeit als Quelle der literarischen Kreativität, Universität Bremen, Bremen.
20/10/2023: Esperienze linguistiche e body memory nella costruzione di repertori plurilingui. Doctoral conference "I Convegno Dottorale del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche", Catania.
06/10/2023: Plurilinguismo, migrazioni ed esperienze linguistiche nella costruzione di identità plurali. Talk at conference "Convegno annuale dell'Associazione Italiana di Germanistica (AIG)", Università RomaTre, Roma.
05/07/2023: Linguistic biographies and narrative identity constructions. Workshop: "Doktorand:innenworkshop des Linguistikdepartments", Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
05/05/2023: Narratives of non-belonging: movement and distancing in Slata Roschal’s 153 Formen des Nichtseins (2022). Conference: "20th German Graduate Symposium. Movement and Moment", University of Oxford, Oxford (UK).
02/05/2022: "Lingue della vergogna e lingue dell’orgoglio: Wer wir sind di Lena Gorelik". Conference: “Retrospettive e prospettive / Rückblicke und Ausblicke / Rétrospectives et perspectives / Looking back and looking forward”, Università degli Studi di Genova, Genoa.
05/11/2021: Consecutive German-Italian translation, Beate Baumann's interview with Julya Rabinowich. Conference: “Migrazioni e Appartenenze”, University Catania, Catania.
Currently working on a research project entitled "Migration and language narratives. Migration experiences and the construction of plural identities in the German-speaking field".
My research project originates from evident global trends that have transformed once-monolinguistic modern societies into linguistically and culturally complex realities. Specifically, the project entails the realisation of an epistemological, interdisciplinary, and empirical study on the influence of acquired multilingualism on the individual's linguistic-identity narratives. By employing Udo Kuckartz's qualitative content analysis method (2018), my project aims 1) to explore language biographies of five authors from the current German-speaking literary panorama who have moved to Germany from the former Soviet Union and have broadly written stories of migration, displacement and multilingualism (both with autobriographical references and fully fictional); 2) the linguistic analysis of literary multilingualism and its possible role in the writings of these authors.
The project intends to achieve these results by resorting not only to sociolinguistic research on plurilingualism, but also to theories of literary plurilingualism (Dembeck & Parr 2017), identity narratives in the field of sociopsychological research (Keupp et al. 1999; Kraus 2000), as well as social and anthropological studies on the linguistic-cultural hybridity of our times (Vertovec 2007).
Research papers
(To be published soon) Pappalardo, David. Sprachen der Scham und Sprachen des Stolzes: Linguizismus im autobiografischen Roman Lena Goreliks Wer wir sind (2021), in: POLYPHONIE Genova-Catania: Retrospettiva e prospettive / Rückblick und Ausblick / Rétrospective et perspectives / Looking Back and Looking Forward, Beate Baumann, Michaela Bürger-Koftis, Ramona Pellegrino (eds.), TRANS - INTERNET JOURNAL FOR CULTURAL STUDIES, 2023. https://www.inst.at/trans/27/sprachen-der-scham-und/
Pappalardo D., "Ho imparato il tedesco per non essere sola": Julya Rabinowich tra la sua immigrazione in Austria e la storia di Madina in E in mezzo: io, in: Migrazioni e appartenenze. Identità composite e plurilinguismo, Antonietta Bivona e Cettina Rizzo (eds.), Sesto San Giovanni (MI): Mimesis, 2022, pp. 213-230.
Pappalardo D., A plurilingual identity between fantasy and reality: Herkunft by Saša Stanišić, in: www.polyphonie.at, vol. 9 (1), 2021, pp. 1-22.
Pappalardo D., Julya Rabinowich, E in mezzo: io, trad. it. di Beate Baumann, Nardò (LE), Besa muci, 2021, pp. 264 (ed. orig. Dazwischen: Ich, München, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2016), in: “Studi comparatistici“, vol. 27(1), 2022, pp. 180-181.
Pappalardo D., Sguardi internazionali su identità, migrazioni e scritture, in: “Studi comparatistici”, vol. 25(1), 2020, pp. 149-153.
Pappalardo D., Un progetto di studi sulle migrazioni, in: “Studi comparatistici”, vol. 25(1), 2020, pp. 155-159.
Ahrens Gerhard, Da Lubecca alla Sicilia: il professore Adolf Holm (1830-1900), in: "Archivio storico per la Sicilia Orientale", vol. 2, 2021, pp. 5-24 (ed. orig. Gerhard Ahrens, Von Lübeck nach Sizilien: Professore Adolfo Holm (1830-1900), in: “Zeitschrift des Vereins für Lübeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde”, vol. 87, 2022, pp. 135-154), DOI: 10.3280/ASSO2021-002001