Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: EMANUELA CAMPISI

Expected Learning Outcomes

In accordance with the Dublin descriptors, students on the course will achieve the following objectives:

1) Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge of the main topics of the analytical philosophy of language, with particular reference to semantics and pragmatics. Ability to define an argument and its main characteristics, both in its explicit and implicit components, and to define and discuss the main argumentative fallacies.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding

Ability to recognize an argumentative text, to describe its structure and identify fallacies or invalidities. Ability to discuss the main themes of the analytic philosophy of language not only from a historical perspective but also from a thematic one, through the comparison of the theses and positions of the main authors of the discipline. Ability to correctly paraphrase argumentative texts, making the implicit explicit where necessary.

3) Making judgments

Ability to autonomously reflect on the theses and arguments of the discipline, developing the ability to interpret argumentative texts containing implicit.

4) Communication skills

Starting from the comparison with philosophical argumentative texts, the ability to present one's arguments with specialists and non-specialists in the field, and to discuss those of others clearly through a balanced and effective use of what is said and what is not said.

5) Learning skills

Skills necessary to deepen the study of analytic philosophy in an autonomous and critical way, such as the ability to paraphrase a complex text, compare opposing theses, refute an argument.

Course Structure

The course will take place in the second semester during days and hours which will be published on the website in due course. Classes will have a mixed format: lectures will be accompanied by regular guided discussions, shared reading and teamwork activities. Exercises and practicing material in view of the written tests will be uploaded on Studium.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites required.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into three modules.

Module A introduces and analyzes argumentation, the main discourse genre of philosophical research, with the typical tools of analytic philosophy. In particular, the tools to recognize and describe an argumentative structure and to refute an argument are provided, in order to develop the necessary skills to distinguish a good argument from a bad one and to recognize argumentative fallacies (reference text: Iacona, A. (2005). L’argomentazione. Einaudi, Turin).

Module B focuses on the main themes of the analytic philosophy of language and their developments in the contemporary debate, with particular attention to the notion of meaning and the questions that have been posed around it (reference text: Paganini, E (edited by) (2022). Il primo libro di filosofia del linguaggio e della mente. Einaudi, Turin, chaps. 1-9).

Module C introduces the basic notions of philosophical pragmatics (speech acts, implicature, figurative language) and then dwells on the category of the implicit, investigated from the dual perspective of conceptual analysis, aimed at determining the characteristics and social repercussions of use and abuse of the unsaid, and of the analysis of the argumentative text (reference texts: Paganini, E. (Ed.) (2022). Il primo libro di filosofia del linguaggio e della mente. Einaudi, Turin, capp. 10- 13; Sbisà, M. (2007). Detto non detto. Le forme della comunicazione implicita. Einaudi, Turin).

Textbook Information

Iacona, A. (2005). L’argomentazione. Einaudi, Torino (pp. 141).

Paganini, E. (A cura di) (2022). Il primo libro di filosofia del linguaggio e della mente. Einaudi, Torino (capp. 1-13, pp. 3-145).

Sbisà, M. (2007). Detto non detto. Le forme della comunicazione implicita. Einaudi, Torino (pp. 203).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.