Full Professor of German literature [GERM-01/B]

Grazia Pulvirenti, Dr. phil., is full professor for German Studies at the Department of Humanities (University of Catania). Director of the NewHums Research Center. Project Leader of the Neuro Humanities Research Group ( She was  Coordinator of the PhD Course in Cultural Heritage at the University of Catania. She is President of the Lamberto Puggelli Foundation, and founder and editor of the German Book Series “Wunderkammer” (since 2005); She is memeber of the Scientific Cometee of the journals  "Cognitive Philology", “Osservatorio critico della germanistica”, “Critica letteraria e linguistica", “Mitteleuropa. Identità letterarie” and  "L’Albatros"  (Algra). She has given lectures and seminars on her main research fields at Italian as well as foreign universities. She is member of the Goethe Society of North America, of the MLA, IVG, AIG, Italian Society for the 18th Century Studies.

She has recently published Storie menti mondi. Approccio Neuroermeneutico alla Letteratura (Mimesis, 2018) and La mente narrativa di Heinrich von Kleist (Mimesis, 2018) with professor Renata Gambino. 

With professor Renata Gambino, she also recently had an article published on the prestigious neuroscience journal Frontiers: "“The boundless Realm where all Form lies”. Representing Imagination at the Crossway between literary and neurocognitive Studies" (2020).


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Neurocognitive literary studies, literature and performativity, visual theory, interculturality, austrian culture. She has published about Austrian literature of the Twentieth century (Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Georg Trakl, Albert Ehrenstein, Thomas Bernhard, Erich Fried) especially modern poetry. She also researches in melodrama and eighteenth century drama. 

Director of the Interdipartimental Center for Neurohumanities Studies

Co-Director of the international Network NeuroHumanitiestudies (

President of the Lamberto Puggelli Foundation

President of the Italian Goethe Gesellschaft

National literary Prize Anna Maria Ortese

Nomination Premio Strega 2021